One of the fundamental premises to keeping your body transformation results coming is progression. Without it, new results will be hard to come by… This simply means when an exercise becomes no longer challenging to compete by either adding more weight or varying the repetitions then it’s time to change that exercise. Today, I’d like […]
McDonald’s Warns Against Eating Its Own Food!
I just saw this report last week and I knew I had to share it with you! You simply can’t make this stuff up… Here is the whole truth as documented by Fox 25 News and other media outlets that broke the story: McDonald’s doesn’t think its employees should eat the food they serve. The […]
How to Choose the Right Weights For Your Workout
How to Choose the Right Weights For Your Workout One of the biggest questions I get is, “What weights am I supposed to be using when I exercise.” It’s a legitimate question and one that really should answered before I send out dozens more exercise videos to you. And since it’s far easier to “learn […]
“X” Band Walking (Video Debut)
This is one of those exercises that looks super simple to do, but couldn’t be any further from the truth… Give this a go. Try doing 3 sets of this exercise as part of your warm-up or at the end of your current workout and then let me know how your glutes (butt) feels the […]
#1 Doctor Recommended Brand?
This could be one of the best deceptions of all time. It’s being HEAVILY marketed on TV and in your local stores as a healthy “nutrition shake.” The label even says, “#1 Doctor Recommended Brand!” Wow… That’s bold. So it must be great, right? I’ll let you decide. Its #1 food ingredient is corn maltodextrin […]
Use This Dynamic Warm-Up Before Your Workout (VIDEO)
No workout could ever be called complete without this component. It gets even more important when you come into the workout that day “cold” or having sat down for most of the day. And, if you workout first thing in the morning then it goes without saying you’re going to need to properly warm-up the […]
SCS Fit & Healthy Issue #2
FREE RESOURCE for STEPHEN SUBSCRIBERS! We’re back with Issue #2 of our very own SCS Fit and Healthy Newsletter! As you know, our team comprises many diverse backgrounds within the health & fitness industry and although you may only be working with one of our fitness professionals on a weekly basis, we now have […]
60-Second Fat Loss Interval
In less time than it takes you to read this newsletter you’d be finished with today’s powerful fat burner. It’s that fast. And better still, it’s extremely effective. Why It’s Effective The reason it’s so effective is that it has you working in the “frontal plane,” which forces your brain, nervous system, and muscles to […]
Protein Bars: The Pros and Cons Revealed
I get asked this a lot… And the question usually revolves around what I think of protein bars and if they’re an acceptable food replacement for a snack or meal. The only problem with this question is that it assumes all bars are created equal. That’s the real issue… Are we talking about bars made […]
Food Shopping Secrets Revealed
This is the article food manufacturers don’t want you to read… How do you know if you’re eating genetically modified foods? How do you know if your food has been sprayed with nerve gas and other chemicals? To be more competitive in the marketplace, food manufactures will stop at nothing to continue making their food […]
“Corkscrew” Fat Burning Exercise
This is one of my favorite exercises… It’s great for both fat loss and tightening your core muscles like the abs, obliques and lower back. I originally started using it with athletes and mixed martial arts fighters, and they thought it was “killer.” So after seeing it work so well to condition and strengthen athletes […]
You Just Ate Horse Meat
How would you feel if someone switched your beef burger for horse meat? You wouldn’t be too happy, right? Well that’s exactly what happened to many Burger King customers just a few weeks ago. Burger King’s “excuse” was that the meat was “contaminated” in their processing plant by being around horse meat… Or, was it […]
After Dinner Dessert Cravings
Do you crave something sweet after dinner? Is it an every night craving? Cravings are actually an interesting phenomenon in that they are subconsciously trying to tell you something. In my upcoming newsletter I will explain the physiological reasons why some people get cravings, and what they may be signs of… Today, though, I want […]
How to Fix Low Stomach Acid (Hydrochloric Acid)
It is not uncommon for HCL and poor digestion to be low since childhood. Regardless of when it began, poor digestion is the start and underlying cause of most chronic illnesses. Basically what happens is that you begin to break down food inefficiently and as a result you don’t actually get enough nutrition in your […]
Greek Yogurt Gone Wrong
On our Fatlossity nutrition plan we do allow 1-2 servings of dairy per day as long as the person doesn’t show signs of a dairy sensitivity, bloating, or allergy. However, I’ve been getting some feedback from people as to exactly how they’ve been eating their yogurt. And the results haven’t been good… The biggest issue […]
Fat Loss Exercise: The Renegade Lunge
Are you looking for a new way to spice up your workouts and burn even more body fat? Today, I’m going to show you a fun, fast, and effective way to tone your glutes, hamstrings, and quads, while burning fat all over your body. This move will also get your heart pumping, so you can […]
Required Reading
I get requests all the time for the books I recommend the most. So, after giving it some thought I figured I would break it up into different categories based on subject matter. (“*” denotes a more advanced topic that may be best suited for doctors or health practitioners) Also, the books are in no […]
Full Body Fat Loss
Today I’m back with a new video to show you one of my favorite full body fat loss exercises! It’s really 3 moves in 1 exercise, and the great part about it is that they all compliment each other so there’s no need to break them up. This saves you a lot of time… Plus, […]
Don’t Eat These Fruits (Downloadable PDF)
It’s not so common knowledge right now that most farms in the US are using KNOWN poisons in our food system. It’s no different than chemical warfare, but just on a scaled down version. Seriously, the same company that developed chemical nervous system destroying weapons for Vietnam is supplying the same type of chemical sprays […]
Scary Research on Fast Food Meals (Just Released)
I just read a scary piece of research that I had to share with you right away… It’s a small study, but it highlighted the fact that just one junk food meal can severely impact your health. Yes, you read that right – just ONE fast food meal! Here’s what the study found: Dr. Nigam […]