Today I want to share with you THREE Ways to burn 100 calories every 10 minutes. The best part is that each of them is completely different so they’ll be something for everybody to pick from… Because after all, who doesn’t want to have some fun while burning off 600 calories an hour? Now before […]
Don’t Drink this Tall Glass of Sugar
If a friend were to recommend you drink down 36 grams of sugar when you woke up every morning you would probably tell them they’re crazy! That’s certainly no way to keep the weight off or stay healthy… Yet, that’s the diet choice most people start their day with. Don’t believe me? Let me share […]
Best Leg Toning Exercise? (Video)
Today I want to show you how to complete one of the best leg exercises in the world – pain free. In my opinion if you’re looking to develop strong toned legs that actually function as well as they look you need to be doing some type of lunging movement in your program. However, just […]
Beware of Dangerous Detox Diets
Apparently starting your weight loss program with a detox diet is the new biggest thing… This wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing except most so-called detox diets do more harm then good. Here’s why: A detox diet in principle in meant to literally pull toxins out of your cells and body and eliminate them. Without […]
Strengthen Your Back & Butt (Video)
Today I want to show you a fantastic exercise to help strengthen a weak lower back, and as a fringe benefit you’ll be working your glutes as well. Technically this exercise works your entire backside (everything you can’t see looking in the mirror), but it’s best known for toning and strengthening the back and butt. […]
The Problem with Resolutions (Why 78% Fail)
When it comes to setting goals for ourselves it seems that the odds are stacked high against us right from the get go… The reason, oddly enough, has to do with our own brain. You see, there’s a little term psychologists like to throw around called “cognitive dissonance,” which is really just a fancy way […]
My Weight Loss Secret
Use this “Unfair Advantage” Weight Loss Method: I’m often asked what the secret is to creating the ideal body? Or, how I am able to help clients not only lose the weight and burn the fat, but actually KEEP it off permanently… The answer, of course, is simple in its complexity. Let me explain. First […]
Don’t Do These Abs Exercises:
Doing crunches to get abs is like trying to melt an iceberg with a hairdryer… They’re both extremely inefficient and a waste of your time. Nevertheless I see everybody who is trying to lose weight and flatten their stomach doing every variation of crunches in the gym. I think the reason for this is probably […]
Metabolic Resistance Training Explained (Part 2) (Video)
Reader Fat Loss Question: “Stephen I’ve been following your Fatlossity program for 3 weeks now and have lost just over 13 pounds! I never thought I would have lost this much weight because I am actually exercising for less time than I was before. Why is this method of working out better if I’m doing […]
#1 Way to Burn Fat (MRT Explained)
I often get asked, “What’s the #1 way to burn fat?” It’s a great question and just 10 years ago we didn’t have a definitive answer… But the times have changed and more research has proven without a doubt that there is a way to burn fat faster than any other method. First things first, […]
40 Second Fat Loss Interval (Video)
Today I want to outline a fun, fast, and highly effective fat loss interval you can add into your workout routine! This is one that I like to give my clients directly after we just finished an intense resistance based metabolic workout. What I’ve found is that even just adding 1-2 rounds of a super-charged […]
4 Minute Miracle (Video)
Re: 4-Minute Workout by Stephen Cabral “World’s Best Weight Loss Interval Revealed!” Is there really one interval that trumps every other fat burning circuit out there? I have seen all sorts of mathematical equations and research advising exercisers to work intensely for a specified amount of time and then likewise for the rest period […]
10-Minute Home Workout (Video)
I originally filmed this workout to be used when you’re traveling, but since it’s meant to be done right in your bedroom you can pretty much do it anywhere… Like most of my article and video topics this one came about by popular demand. I got so many questions about how to stay on track […]
Is this the Secret to Success?
I probably get 3 emails a day with this exact question: “If I was to do only one thing to lose weight and transform my body what would it be?” Now, I could try to side step this question and say that it’s equal parts nutrition, exercise, and healthy living, but I won’t. We all […]
Dangers of Artificial Sweeteners
Finally… find out the good bad & the UGLY of artificial sweeteners! With all the debate of whether or not artificial sweeteners are better for you to use than regular table sugar, it’s difficult to find a definitive answer. Your body performs hundreds of chemical reactions every time you metabolize a meal just to maintain […]
Scientifically Proven Weight Loss Diet
PROVEN Study: This is THE #1 Weight Loss Diet Plan Explained in Detail: Finally, there’s mounting evidence proving that there really is a ONE best way of dieting to lose weight. The other great thing that this research study found was that this “style” of eating was the EASIEST way to maintain results as well. […]
Is Going Gluten-Free Good for You?
It’s amazing how big manufacturing companies can take a good, healthy idea and completely make it bad for us… and at the same time cover it up. Here’s what I mean: Going gluten-free seems to be all the rage now (or at least the trend is on the rise). What it involves is eliminating any […]
Protein Fat Loss Smoothie
Ever wonder what the best protein shake you can make for yourself is? Or what the safest and best supplements are? Today, I have those answers for you as well as the recipe for my “Super High Antioxidant Protein Shake!” (The other great thing is that it doubles as what I call a “Protein Fat […]
How to Lose Weight & Live Longer
Did you know there is ONE specific thing you can do that will dramatically increase your chances of losing weight AND living longer? The strategy I’m about to give you is super simple and obvious to most, but I’d like to explain why it’s so important. Plus, even though many people know about this strategy […]
Controversial Article on Hunger
This will most likely be one of my most controversial articles in a long time… The reason is because I’m about to tell you something that although true runs contrary to what we’ve been conditioned to believe. Here it is: “It’s okay to be hungry.” Seriously, most people run for the nearest fast food market, […]