Use this “Unfair Advantage” Weight Loss Method:
I’m often asked what the secret is to creating the ideal body?
Or, how I am able to help clients not only lose the weight and burn the fat, but actually KEEP it off permanently…
The answer, of course, is simple in its complexity.
Let me explain.
First off, every new fad diet fails for one big reason – it has no long-term approach to keeping the weight off.
Sure, you can temporarily starve yourself, drop your calories down to 600 a day, drink soup all day, only eat grapefruit, eat microwaved meals, or dine on cookies…
But how long can that really last for?
Maybe you’ll SURVIVE 3-4 weeks of torturous dieting, but after that you’ll have a mental implosion followed by mass consumption of all the foods you were just depriving yourself of!
So, now we know that certainly isn’t a good long term fix and we can scratch those approaches off the list.
This is how I have been successful at helping my online and studio clients not only lose weight, but allow them to get rid of all their old “chubby clothes.”
I look at the goal of losing weight or burning fat as a way of reaching new heights in your development. And what do you need when you’re climbing to new heights?
A good and sturdy stool to stand on.
(bare with me as I explain…)
A sturdy stool has at least 3 strong leg supports for you to step up on so you don’t fall over while stretching for something out of your reach.
If it only had 2 legs it would wobble and you’d most likely fall down the moment you stood up on it.
Therefore, just like the 3-legged stool I consider my 3 pillars of weight loss and healthy living to be nutrition, exercise, and healthy living.
These 3 factors are the foundation of how to lose weight and keep it off forever.
However, I take my approach even further in order to maximize each client’s success…
What I do is keep adding additional legs to the stool.
Here’s what I mean:
I provide fat burning intervals, success articles, sample meal plans, postural alignment movements, recipes, cheat meal timing, metabolic resistance workouts, rest days, 84 days of journal checklists, and much more.
After a while when you add up all the support systems and additional ways to lose weight you’ll probably find I’ve given you at least 5 or 6 dozens legs to stand on.
So what does all this mean?
It means that you’re FAR more likely to succeed and reach your goals if one of the legs of your stool gets kicked out from underneath you.
It just makes sense that if you have at least dozen legs on your stool that missing just one will still allow you to stand tall and reach your goals.
Here’s a real life example of what I mean:
Just yesterday I was working with a client around 9:30am in my studio when she said to me, “my metabolism must really be high because I had the worst weekend of eating. I ate too much and way too many calories, but I still didn’t gain any weight…”
Of course, I did let her know that she shouldn’t push it too far or believe that she can go on eating like that forever, but it is nice to know that if you’re maximizing your metabolism on all levels than you can enjoy many of your favorite foods as well.
So my advice is to implement as many of the tips I provide for you in my weekly articles and videos and begin tracking your progress. This will allow you to figure out if you need to increase your output and what is working for you.
I hope this article better explained how my clients have what seems to others like an “unfair advantage” when it comes to losing weight and keeping it off…
But, of course you can take hold of that same unfair advantage now that you know the secret lies in having more than just a “diet plan” to follow.
Lastly, there are way too many diet plans out there for me to list which ones are just going to set you up to fail again, and which ones are actually a great long term approach to creating your ideal body. However, when choosing a fat loss plan I suggest scouring all the information to see how many ways it gives you to lose weight and keep it off through long-term lifestyle management.
If you’d like my scientifically proven plan which allows you to lose 5 pounds in your first week and then go on to lose all the weight you need to until you reach your goal weight, AND provides you with dozens of “legs to stand on” just click the link below to see if it is right for you:
Plus, in my Fatlossity – Lose5in7 System I will show you how to incorporate eating your favorite foods so that you don’t feel like you’re constantly depriving yourself…
“I just wanted to tell Stephen thank you for finally giving me a program that works! For 7 years I have been trying to lose weight from having kids. I would work out 6 days a week an hour or more a day but could never lose inches and maybe would lose 5 lbs. I have tried weight watchers, diet pills, crazy patches but nothing worked! Well this works. I work out less time a day and I stick to the nutritional plan without feeling deprived, actually I love what I eat. I feel satisfied and healthy!”
-Tina, FL
Get the same program Tine used at the link below:
Committed to your Success,

Stephen Cabral, CSCS, CPT, NS
Author of Fatlossity – Lose5in7 Weight Loss System
Health Consultant for MTV, Hen’s Health, SELF, Nutritiondata,, Gather, EDGE
>>> Here are the Exact TOP 3
Fat Burning Systems My Clients Use:
step-by-step, weight loss system as seen on TV.
T3 Personal Training & Coaching Program.
Bathing Suit Body Diet.