NEW FREE RESOURCE for STEPHEN SUBSCRIBERS! The entire Stephen Cabral Studio team is excited to finally be able to share with you our very own SCS Fit and Healthy Newsletter! As you know, our team comprises many diverse backgrounds within the health & fitness industry and although you may only be working with one […]
Don’t Eat This for Breakfast
It’s almost impossible to burn body fat throughout the day, if you don’t get breakfast right. It’s literally the meal that has the most impact on your day in terms of losing weight and having energy until it’s time to relax that evening. But, for one reason or another this is the meal that I’d […]
The New Axis of Evil (3 Deadly Foods)
A few years back George W singled out 3 of our “enemies” as the “Axis of Evil.” Basically, he felt these were the biggest threats to the US and the world. Well, today I want to share with you what I consider 3 of your biggest enemies right here on our own soil. This new […]
How to Get Better Workout Results
There comes a point when your workouts just don’t give you the same “boost” that they used to… When that time comes you have 2 options: 1. You can either completely switch up your program and begin varying your exercises, weights, reps, rest time, or varying other factors. 2. You can take the exercises you […]
Vegetarian Weight Loss Diet Tips
Lately, I’ve been getting a ton of emails from people looking to customize our fat loss nutrition plan while maintaining a vegetarian cuisine. And, since the tips I’m giving my online and studio clients can be applied by anyone I thought you deserved to see them as well! Even if you aren’t a vegetarian the […]
Eggs = Heart Disease?
“Egg yolks are almost as dangerous as smoking for atherosclerosis.” Wow, what a headline and what I sensational story that was that came out a few weeks back. Personally, I was hoping it would all blow over, but with so many of my clients believing they should now not eat eggs (or egg yolks) I […]
Tone & Tighten Your Legs (Video)
Today, I’m going to show you exactly how to strengthen, as well as tone and tighten EVERY muscle in your legs. It is one of the few exercises that actually forces you to stabilize, balance, grip, and fight for every rep! At my body transformation studio in Boston, our clients start out hating this exercise… […]
The Truth about the New FDA Weight Loss Pill
Not too long ago the FDA gave its approval to a new weight loss pill, Belviq, with the hopes of helping our overweight population shed some pounds. It certainly sounds like a noble goal, but here’s the problem… “Studies showed that patients taking Belviq, known generically as lorcaserin, had modest weight loss. On average patients […]
Complete Core Tightening Workout (Video)
This video has gotten an amazing response since its debut, so I wanted to make sure you got to see it. I think the reason why it’s become popular is because most people now understand that in order to get a flat midsection you can’t just do crunches… Okay, enough talk, let’s get right into […]
The End of Joint Pain Explained
Most of the clients who work with my team and I at my studio are looking for some type of body transformation results. They either want fat loss, muscle gain, or sometimes a little of everything… Regardless, 80% of all new clients come in with some type of pre-existing joint or muscle pain. The reason […]
10 Weight Loss Do’s & Don’ts
It’s important before totally committing yourself to a weight loss program that you know what you should be looking for in the first place. A lot has changed in the last few years and we know now more than ever what truly works for transforming your body. The other great thing is that at my […]
Lose Weight without Trying
I had an interesting conversation with a friend today that pretty much told me everything I needed to know about his chances of losing weight. Literally, I knew in 2 lines that he would unfortunately not be successful. We were talking about his weight loss progress and I asked him how he was doing? He […]
100 Calorie “Crap Packs”
Sometimes you just have to call it like it is… If I hear one more person use the excuse, “but the package said it was only 100 calories” I may lose my sanity. 100 calorie “snack packs” became popular a few years back when the low calorie, low fat craze came into popularity. Basically, food […]
1-Minute Weight Loss Interval (Video)
Today, I have a fantastic “1-minute weight loss interval” that you can do when you’re short on time, or after a metabolic resistance workout! This is one of my favorites since it works your body in an unusual way… Typically, when you’re exercising you are moving in the sagittal plane (forward and backward). There’s nothing […]
Improve Diabetes Naturally
“Naturopathic diabetes care can improve blood sugar, mood, says new study” Posted on April 18, 2012 by Stone Hearth News “A new joint study by Group Health Research Institute and Bastyr University Research Institute found that type 2 diabetes patients who received naturopathic care (as an adjunct to conventional care) had lower blood-sugar levels, better […]
Lower Blood Pressure Naturally with Vitamin C
ARTICLE: “BP lowered by big doses of vitamin C, says Hopkins study” Posted on April 18, 2012 by Stone Hearth News “Newswise — Taking large doses of vitamin C may moderately reduce blood pressure, according to an analysis of years of research by Johns Hopkins scientists. But the researchers stopped short of suggesting people load […]
Simple Abs and Core Exercise (VIDEO)
This abs exercise may be simple, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t challenging! Today, I have a short article for you and a fun instructional video teaching you how to do this abs and core tightening exercise. The exercise I’m referring to is called a “Standard Crunch on a Foam Roller.” It’s not the most […]
10 Tips for Better Sleep
Why is sleep so important? Without sleep everything you do during your day becomes that much more difficult. Every decision you make is slower and more clouded, and every physical activity you perform is weaker and slightly off its mark. Literally, all cognitive and physical activity depend upon a well rested mind and body… The […]
Smoothies Gone Wrong
I was given a book to review last week that a fellow nutritionist thought I would enjoy reading… Overall, the book was dead on. The author touched on all the basics such as limiting sugar intake, eating living foods with their enzymes intact, and staying away from processed foods. But then the author went on […]
Fat Burning Tri-Set Home Routine (Video)
Looking to spice up your workout routine? Today, I have a quick and powerful fat burning workout that you can do at home or in the gym. The great thing about this particular workout is that you only need 1 set of dumbbells to complete the whole thing! And, the total workout will take you […]