This abs exercise may be simple, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t challenging!
Today, I have a short article for you and a fun instructional video teaching you how to do this abs and core tightening exercise.
The exercise I’m referring to is called a “Standard Crunch on a Foam Roller.”
It’s not the most exciting name for an exercise, but it does describe what it does. Literally, what I’m going to have you do is lie down on a foam roller vertically so that both your hips and head are supported.
If you do it correctly your spine will be in alignment with the foam roller.
Like most of my exercises, I create multiple levels of difficulty from beginner to advanced. So what I’d like you to do is start at the beginner level and then quickly move up a rung until you reach the most challenging way to do this exercise.
By the time you reach the final level you can be assured that your abs, hip flexors, and obliques have gotten a lot stronger (and hopefully more defined)!
Instead of me explaining how to do this exercise in writing, it is much easier to watch it in action, so click the video below to see and hear me explain all of the details and how you can adjust this movement to make it fit your fitness level.
(The best part about this exercise is that it is simple to learn and it you’ll be able to customize it to your fitness level!)
Also, if you do not own a foam roller you can find the same foam rollers I use at my studio with my clients at the link below:
Committed to your success,
Stephen Cabral, CSCS, CPT, NS
Author of Fatlossity, Lose5in7 Weight Loss System
Health Consultant for MTV, NutritionData, Diet.com, MAXIM, Gather, SELF
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