Looking to spice up your workout routine?
Today, I have a quick and powerful fat burning workout that you can do at home or in the gym.
The great thing about this particular workout is that you only need 1 set of dumbbells to complete the whole thing!
And, the total workout will take you less than 10 minutes once you get warmed up. This means you can fit this fat burning routine into your busy schedule on the days you’re pressed for time.
And, of course, if you have more time you can complete some of the fat burning interval cardio routines I recommend.
Here is what the tri-set workout looks like:
1A. DB Squat Press x 15 repetitions
1B. Bent Over Row x 15 repetitions
1C. Split Lunges x 10 repetitions on each side
(After you complete all 3 exercises in a row rest for 90-120 seconds before completing the next round.)
Also, in the video I show you how to create an “advanced version” of this fat burning tri-set.
Besides spiking your metabolism, burning fat, and improving glucose (sugar) uptake, this metabolic routine will help boost your own natural growth hormone, which is fantastic for rejuvenating your skin, hair, nails, energy, and overall appearance.
Instead of explaining every detail of this amazing fat burning tri-set that you can do right at home with just a single pair of dumbbells, check out the free video below that walks you through it step-by-step.
I hope you give this powerful fat burning workout a try and if you’re currently on either my Lose5in7-Fatlossity, or Trim, Tone & Tighten Body Transformation programs feel free to complete this workout as an additional metabolic booster this week instead of one day of fat loss intervals!
Committed to your success,
Stephen Cabral, CSCS, CPT, NS
Author of Fatlossity, Lose5in7 Weight Loss System
Health Consultant for MTV, Men’s Health, NutritionData, Diet.com, MAXIM, Gather, SELF
>>> Here are the Exact TOP 3
Fat Burning Systems My Clients Use:
step-by-step, weight loss system as seen on TV.
T3 Personal Training & Coaching Program.
Bathing Suit Body Diet.