2435: My New 30-Minute Daily BioHacking Routine (It’s Fun & Effective!)
TT: My New 30-Minute Daily BioHacking Routine (It’s Fun & Effective!) There are tremendous benefits that can be gained from specific biohacking techniques… But just like anything else, if you...
2428: Exercise Is Not Enough to Stay Healthy, But This Is…
TT: Exercise Is Not Enough to Stay Healthy, But This Is… We are at a place in society where we have everything we need right at our fingertips… And while...
2398: These High Antioxidant Foods Reverse Aging & Dis-ease
TWT: These High Antioxidant Foods Reverse Aging & Dis-ease Antioxidants are incredibly powerful and essential to the body to combat free radicals and help prevent cellular damage… They have been...
2349: These 18 BioMarkers Predict Early Death (The Dunedin Study)
TWT: These 18 BioMarkers Predict Early Death (The Dunedin Study) For many people aging means drastically slowing down, limited mobility, and increased risk for disease… But it doesn't have to...
TWT: APOe4 Blood Type Alzheimers Link Explained Research shows us that there is a link between the APOe4 blood type and Alzheimer's, cardiovascular disease, and other inflammatory conditions… Having this...
2300: The Best Longevity Nutrient? (NMN vs NR vs NAD)
TWT: The Best Longevity Nutrient? (NMN vs NR vs NAD) As trans-resveratrol, PQQ, astragalus, and NMN continue to gain in popularity it’s time to explore which form of vitamin B3...
WW: The EpiGenetics of Weight Gain & Aging One of the reasons why I enjoy talking about helping people achieve the ideal body for them is to give them hope...
2251: How to Increase your Growth Hormone Naturally (HGH)
TWT: How to Increase your Growth Hormone Naturally (HGH) Too much growth hormone can certainly cause potential issues during middle age, but too little can also spell disaster… The reason...
2203: The 7 Signs of Oxidative Stress & Rapid Aging
WW: The 7 Signs of Oxidative Stress & Rapid Aging None of us are getting any younger (chronologically), but did you know that if you can decrease oxidative stress (free...
LV: The Top 5 Ways to Live Longer Sometimes (not always) the easiest tips to follow lead to the best results… And nothing could be truer than when it comes...
TWT: 7 Factors for Flawless Skin I used to believe that how we age was mainly due to our genetics and factors largely outside of our control… But then after...
2042: Anti-Aging: Take 25 Years Off Your Biological Age (New Research)
WW: Anti-Aging: Take 25 Years Off Your Biological Age (New Research) We’ve been taught that by age 40 we begin a steady rate of decline in both body and mind…...
2022: The 25 Ways Doctors Are Reversing Alzheimer's & Dementia (90% Success Rate)
TT: The 25 Ways Doctors Are Reversing Alzheimer's & Dementia (90% Success Rate) Unfortunately, the likelihood of your MD knowing that Alzheimer's and dementia are now reversible is highly unlikely…...
1978: The 5 Physical Signs of Nutrient Deficiencies
TWT: The 5 Physical Signs of Nutrient Deficiencies Long before poor health ever manifests as a diagnosable disease, your body will show you signs… Those signs may show up on...
TWT: Debunking the Detox Myth Debunkers I understand that many people try to make a “name” for themself by being a contrarian online and pretending to “debunk” certain popular theories…...
TWT: Avoid These 7 Factors That Speed Up Aging Believe it or not, aging begins in your later 20’s… After this point, your body can begin to break down faster...
1943: “All Disease Begins in the Gut” (Here’s Why)
TWT: “All Disease Begins in the Gut” (Here’s Why) It's easy to dismiss an autoimmune issue or other health imbalance as purely a genetic matter… However, with that type of...
TWT: The Top 7 Cancer-Fighting Foods It’s been documented that by the year 2030 1 in 2 people may get cancer within their lifetime… That’s an insane statistic and one...