TT: Is Carb Loading for Performance Outdated? Tune into today as I break down how carb loading before races or competitions can actually hurt your performance... Don't miss this revealing...
WW: It's Time to Rethink Your Ideal Body Often times the picture we have in our head doesn't match up with what we should set as our ideal body weight......
TWT: The Dangers of Drinking Milk Most people have been led to believe that milk and most dairy products are healthy for them, but nothing could be further from the...
MM: How People Pleasing Hurts Everyone Today is #Mindset&MotivationMonday! And today we're going to show you how going too far "people pleasing" is actually causing you to subconsciously resent the...
075: The Single Vitamin Myth, Children's Probiotic, Colicky Baby Cure, NLP Book Recommendations
FR: The Single Vitamin Myth, Children's Probiotic, Colicky Baby Cure, NLP Book Recommendations Don't miss this #FridayReview where I debunk the "single vitamin solution" myth and also provide my recommendations...
TT: My Fat Burning HIIT Interval Examples These are exact fat-burning intervals we give our body transformation clients in at our studio! Listen in as I discuss which one is...
WW: What's Your BMI & Does It Even Matter? I used to not even calculate a client's BMI. I always just tested their body fat percentage... But that's no longer...
TWT: Can Calcium Cause Heart Attacks?... On this can't miss episode of the Cabral Concept we explore how calcium supplementation has actually been shown to increase heart attacks. Find out...
071: How Your Current Relationships May Be Hurting Your Goals
MM: How Your Current Relationships May Be Hurting Your Goals On this #Motivation & Mindset Monday I'm going to talk with you about how the goals you set for yourself...
070: Coffee Enemas, Best PreNatal, Success Principles Book Review...
FR: Coffee Enemas, Best PreNatal, Success Principles Book Review... Don't miss today's Best of the Best #FridayReview where I talk about coffee enemas and the best and worst types of...
069: High Intensity Interval Training for Fat Loss Explained
TT: High-Intensity Interval Training for Fat Loss Explained Discover how short burst exercises can boost your metabolism and keep you burning body fat for up to 36 hours! Enjoy today's...
068: (GUEST INTERVIEW) What to Eat at Dinner & for Dessert to Lose Weight!
CC: (GUEST INTERVIEW) What to Eat at Dinner & for Dessert to Lose Weight! Our resident nutritionist & holistic health coach, Julia Hayes, reviews with me how her clients lose...
TWT: Should You Eat Raw or Cooked Vegetables? As long as you're eating your vegetables you are way ahead of the game - but once you're ready to take your...
066: You're Never Going To Be Perfect... So Here's What To Do
MM: You're Never Going To Be Perfect... So Here's What To Do Join me on this #Mindset & Motivation Monday as we explore the mythical quest for perfection and how...
065: Best Allergy Testing, Leaky Gut Testing, Daily Reader Book Review
FR: Best Allergy Testing, Leaky Gut Testing, Daily Reader Book Review Discover the best forms of allergy testing, a little-known test for "leaky gut," and one book I recommend for...
064: Re-Configure Your Workouts for Better Results
TT: Re-Configure Your Workouts for Better Results Mixing and matching exercises to create the perfect workout or exercise routine can seem daunting... But, once you know the proven system for...
WW: Celebrity Dieting Tips & Slimming Secrets Revealed After working with many celebrities over the past decade I thought you may like to know what their secrets are for dieting...
MM: The Missing Step in the Law of Attraction Most people have heard about the Law of Attraction by now, but what hasn't been talked about is "How" we go about...
060: My Mentor's Book, Inflammation Supplement, Epsom Salt Reviews
FR: My Mentor's Book, Inflammation Supplement, Epsom Salt Reviews The #Friday Review is here! Check out the book that my mentor wrote (it's what got me to reach out to her...