WW: The EpiGenetics of Weight Gain & Aging One of the reasons why I enjoy talking about helping people achieve the ideal body for them is to give them hope...
WW: Why Poor Sleep Causes Weight Gain Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been trying to share information about why people can’t seem to lose weight by just reducing...
WW: How Chronic Stress Makes You Fat Most people have been led to believe that weight gain is simply based on eating too many calories… Although that can certainly be...
2274: What’s the Upper Limit on Daily Protein Consumption?
TT: What’s the Upper Limit on Daily Protein Consumption? Protein is one of those topics that is often hotly debated due to it’s big pros and cons… The problem is...
2273: Organic vs. Grass-Fed Meat: Which One Is Better?
WW: Organic vs. Grass-Fed Meat: Which One Is Better? Although considerable research shows that overconsumption of red meat may pose health issues in the long run for some people there...
2272: Pesticides vs. Herbicides + 2022 Dirty Dozen + Clean 15 Food List
TWT: Pesticides vs. Herbicides + 2022 Dirty Dozen + Clean 15 Food List The 2022 Clean 15 & Dirty Dozen is in! But before we even get into those fruit...
WW: The “Fat Adapted” Myth Explained Today I want to share with you why all of this talk about becoming fat adapted is largely marketing speak… The human body has...
TWT: Sneaky Words for Sugar on Food Labels Did you know there are more than 50 ways to write “sugar” on a food label? Most of the time companies just...
2258: Best Foods for Boosting BCAAs (Branch Chain Amino Acids)
TWT: Best Foods for Boosting BCAAs (Branch Chain Amino Acids) Whether you’re looking to build muscle or just keep your metabolism boosted it’s important to understand the value of getting...
TT: Quick Intermittent Fasting Tip There are so many tips surrounding the topic of intermittent fasting that I consider it my job to simplify the overall dogma as much as...
2251: How to Increase your Growth Hormone Naturally (HGH)
TWT: How to Increase your Growth Hormone Naturally (HGH) Too much growth hormone can certainly cause potential issues during middle age, but too little can also spell disaster… The reason...
2232: How to Still Boost Metabolism While Losing Weight
TT: How to Still Boost Metabolism While Losing Weight Typically when you go on a calorie-cutting diet to lose weight your metabolism inevitably begins to slow down after 6-12 weeks...
2225: Fixing Your Macros To Balance Your Blood Sugar
TT: Fixing Your Macros To Balance Your Blood Sugar There are very few things more important than stabilizing your blood sugar if you’re looking to improve your overall health, weight,...
2217: Is This Why Most People Are Unwell & Unhappy?
WW: Is This Why Most People Are Unwell & Unhappy? While we may be able to keep people alive longer thanks to medical technology we are certainly not improving people's...
2211: Fasted Workouts by Body Type (Who Should & Who Shouldn’t)
TT: Fasted Workouts by Body Type (Who Should & Who Shouldn’t) I’m a fan of fasting. I’m also a fan of working out. However, combining fasting and working out at...
2210: The 9 Different Diets + Which Diet Is Right For You
WW: The 9 Different Diets + Which Diet Is Right For You It seems every year there’s a new popular diet that pops up and causes that much more confusion...
2182: How to Become Fat Adapted (Burn Fat for Fuel)
WW: How to Become Fat Adapted (Burn Fat for Fuel) It’s hard work trying to break the low carb myth, but I am determined to help people not mask underlying...
WW: Do You Need to Be in Ketosis to Burn Fat? Isn't it funny how in the health and fitness industry everyone seems to work in absolutes? I would've thought...