080: Nutritional Healing Book, Safe Iron Supplement, The Yoga Mat I Use
FR: Nutritional Healing Book, Safe Iron Supplement, The Yoga Mat I Use Today I'm sharing a massive wealth of knowledge in the book "Prescription for Natural Healing," a safe iron...
TT: Is Carb Loading for Performance Outdated? Tune into today as I break down how carb loading before races or competitions can actually hurt your performance... Don't miss this revealing...
WW: It's Time to Rethink Your Ideal Body Often times the picture we have in our head doesn't match up with what we should set as our ideal body weight......
TWT: The Dangers of Drinking Milk Most people have been led to believe that milk and most dairy products are healthy for them, but nothing could be further from the...
MM: How People Pleasing Hurts Everyone Today is #Mindset&MotivationMonday! And today we're going to show you how going too far "people pleasing" is actually causing you to subconsciously resent the...
075: The Single Vitamin Myth, Children's Probiotic, Colicky Baby Cure, NLP Book Recommendations
FR: The Single Vitamin Myth, Children's Probiotic, Colicky Baby Cure, NLP Book Recommendations Don't miss this #FridayReview where I debunk the "single vitamin solution" myth and also provide my recommendations...
TT: My Fat Burning HIIT Interval Examples These are exact fat-burning intervals we give our body transformation clients in at our studio! Listen in as I discuss which one is...
WW: What's Your BMI & Does It Even Matter? I used to not even calculate a client's BMI. I always just tested their body fat percentage... But that's no longer...
TWT: Can Calcium Cause Heart Attacks?... On this can't miss episode of the Cabral Concept we explore how calcium supplementation has actually been shown to increase heart attacks. Find out...
071: How Your Current Relationships May Be Hurting Your Goals
MM: How Your Current Relationships May Be Hurting Your Goals On this #Motivation & Mindset Monday I'm going to talk with you about how the goals you set for yourself...
070: Coffee Enemas, Best PreNatal, Success Principles Book Review...
FR: Coffee Enemas, Best PreNatal, Success Principles Book Review... Don't miss today's Best of the Best #FridayReview where I talk about coffee enemas and the best and worst types of...
069: High Intensity Interval Training for Fat Loss Explained
TT: High-Intensity Interval Training for Fat Loss Explained Discover how short burst exercises can boost your metabolism and keep you burning body fat for up to 36 hours! Enjoy today's...
068: (GUEST INTERVIEW) What to Eat at Dinner & for Dessert to Lose Weight!
CC: (GUEST INTERVIEW) What to Eat at Dinner & for Dessert to Lose Weight! Our resident nutritionist & holistic health coach, Julia Hayes, reviews with me how her clients lose...
TWT: Should You Eat Raw or Cooked Vegetables? As long as you're eating your vegetables you are way ahead of the game - but once you're ready to take your...
066: You're Never Going To Be Perfect... So Here's What To Do
MM: You're Never Going To Be Perfect... So Here's What To Do Join me on this #Mindset & Motivation Monday as we explore the mythical quest for perfection and how...
065: Best Allergy Testing, Leaky Gut Testing, Daily Reader Book Review
FR: Best Allergy Testing, Leaky Gut Testing, Daily Reader Book Review Discover the best forms of allergy testing, a little-known test for "leaky gut," and one book I recommend for...
064: Re-Configure Your Workouts for Better Results
TT: Re-Configure Your Workouts for Better Results Mixing and matching exercises to create the perfect workout or exercise routine can seem daunting... But, once you know the proven system for...
WW: Celebrity Dieting Tips & Slimming Secrets Revealed After working with many celebrities over the past decade I thought you may like to know what their secrets are for dieting...
MM: The Missing Step in the Law of Attraction Most people have heard about the Law of Attraction by now, but what hasn't been talked about is "How" we go about...