524: 19 Minutes of This Reduces All Causes of Death by 40% (New Research)
TT: 19 Minutes of This Reduces All Causes of Death by 40% (New Research) If a drug were ever created that could reduce heart attacks by 60+% and any cause of...
TT: Does Exercise Really Detox Your Body? One of the amazing things about the human body is its ability to withstand the processed foods, beverages, polluted air, and other toxins...
510: How to Change Up Your Workouts to Fit the “Season”
TT: How to Change Up Your Workouts to Fit the “Season” I often get exercise questions asking if your workouts should change based on the "season?" The reasoning behind the...
TT: 7 Benefits & Tips for Barefoot Training A few years back barefoot training (not wearing shoes while working out or running) began to catch fire all over the world......
TT: Working Out While Fasting: New Research The challenge amongst health & fitness experts is trying to recommend a program that best works for the greatest amount of people... For...
TT: The Best & Worst Times to Stretch We've been told for decades that the way to become more flexible and prevent injuries is to stretch... However, new data has...
TT: How to Recover Faster from Your Workouts We all know that exercising is good for our health, but sometimes a workout can leave you sore and dragging the next...
TT: How to Get Abs Without Doing Crunches Crunches are one of the least efficient ways to work your abs... Will they work? Yes, but so does long-distance running for...
461: Lifting Heavy vs. Light Weights for Body Transformation
TT: Lifting Heavy vs. Light Weights for Body Transformation With so much conflicting information in magazines, online, and amongst fitness professionals, it's difficult to discern who's right and what to...
TT: 7 Tips to Get Motivated to Workout For some people, just the thought of working out is exhausting in itself... For others, their workouts have become "sub-par" and not living...
447: Workout Tips: Days Off vs. On, Unloading Weeks & Program Design
TT: Workout Tips: Days Off vs. On, Unloading Weeks & Program Design Working out will always have a special place in my heart... It's the one thing I was able...
440: What Burns More Fat: Cardio, Intervals or Weight Training?
TT: What Burns More Fat: Cardio, Intervals or Weight Training? I hate to draw straws over which form of exercise is the best since just getting your body moving is...
TT: Top 10 Most Dangerous Exercises Some of the best exercises in the world can actually be the most dangerous when done incorrectly... The reason for this is that although...
TT: 12 Weeks to Summer Shape Up Goal Setting The interesting thing about goals is that almost anything can be achieved with enough time, persistence, and effort... The issue is...
TT: The Surprising Benefits of Aerobic Exercise? It's easy for all of us to hop on the bandwagon and ride along with the current dogma of the day, but the...
412: 7 Reasons to Exercise Other Than Looking Good
TT: 7 Reasons to Exercise Other Than Looking Good Right now I want to share with you the massive benefits you get from making exercise a part of your weekly...
TT: 5 Forgotten Pieces of Exercise Equipment For many people, after they've been exercising for a while they seem to get stuck in one style of training... As a result,...
TT: How to Get a Lean Athletic Looking Body Not all athletes are born with gifted genetics - Some have to sculpt that lean, defined body that helps them win...
TT: Healing Method for Joint Pain & Recovery Muscle stiffness, soreness, and joint inflammation are one of those nagging pains that travel with you everywhere you go and can really be...