TT: Top 5 Foods to Eat After Your Workout There's so much debate over what and when to eat after your workout that I wanted to break down the myths vs. science,...
299: The Only Form of Cardio That Boosts Your Metabolism
TT: The Only Form of Cardio That Boosts Your Metabolism Did you know there's only one form of "cardio" that can actually boost your metabolism? All other types of cardiovascular...
292: How to Boost Your Metabolism Before a Big Meal
TT: How to Boost Your Metabolism Before a Big Meal Yesterday on the #CabralConcept 291 I detailed how to eat well on the holidays and today I want to show...
285: Energy Drink & Pre-Workout Supplement Dangers
TT: Energy Drink & Pre-Workout Supplement Dangers Almost everyone that comes to see me in my practice would love a little more energy (sometimes a lot more), but increasing energy...
TT: The 100 Best Ways to Stop Aging & Stay Young Typically, I save my book reviews for Friday's on the podcast, but today I wanted to review all the...
271: Learn How to Lymphercise for Health, Fun & Fitness
TT: Learn How to Lymphercise for Health, Fun & Fitness One of my favorite ways to start the day is with a little "Lymphercise!" It's a great way to get...
TT: How to Become More Coordinated & Athletic I know that the vast majority of people exercise and work out because they want to stay in shape or lose some...
TT: 5 Ab Exercises Never to Do I don't know too many people that don't want a smaller waist and flatter stomach... But the conventional ab exercises that most people...
TT: Fat Burning Kettlebell Interval Workout If you're thinking kettlebell workouts are just a passing fad, think again... Kettlebells are one of the most versatile pieces of fitness equipment you...
TT: How Often Should You Change Your Workout? I know there's a lot of talk in the media and online about "Muscle Confusion" and how you should be changing up...
236: Should You Do Cardio Before Or After Your Workout?
TT: Should You Do Cardio Before Or After Your Workout? I get asked a lot if it's more effective to do your cardio (bike, running, etc.) before or after you...
TT: How to Choose the Right Workout for You Too often we choose our workout based on what we see in magazines, whatever is most popular this month, or maybe...
TT: 33 Reasons to Use a Rebounder Many people don't know what a rebounder is until I mention its other name that you're most likely more familiar with… When most...
TT: Is This the Best Exercise Ever? We're all short on time and that's why I believe in maximizing your results by designing your workouts to be short, but effective......
TT: Warning: 5 Exercises to Never Do After spending most of my early 20's working in gyms all over the NorthEast I've literally seen it all... Some good. Some bad....
TT: Caution: Adrenal Fatigue & Exercise By now we've all grown accustomed to the mantra that "if a little is good, a lot must be better..." But, when it comes...
TT: Ab, Core & Lower Back Training Done Right Training your core muscles leads to so much more than just a flat stomach and good looking mid-section (although that doesn't hurt...
TT: The Only 2 Leg Exercises You Need Trying to figure out what exercises to choose for your workout can seem complicated… However, it doesn't have to be that way...
TT: Are You In the "Body Transformation Zone?" Have you ever wondered how many repetitions you should be doing for each exercise or workout? Today, I explain what "rep range"...
TT: Pre & Post-Workout Nutrition Done Right Talking about nutrition is definitely one of my favorite topics - especially when it comes to eating right to maximize your workout results!...