613: Learn From This Ayurvedic Breakfast & Morning Routine
TWT: Learn From This Ayurvedic Breakfast & Morning Routine There's a lot of debate going on right now about the perfect breakfast and what it consists of... Some say it...
TT: This Exercise Increases Longevity Although I love all forms of exercise, some specific modalities do work better than others when it comes to increasing lifespan... One way that I'm...
592: Do You Suffer from Sleep Issues, Fatigue, Cramps, Headaches, or Constipation?
TWT: Do You Suffer from Sleep Issues, Fatigue, Cramps, Headaches, or Constipation? There are times when your health or weight loss issues can be quite complicated... But more times than...
WW: The Only 2 Causes of Inflammation There seems to be some confusion over inflammation as something that is bad for our body... Inflammation is not something to try to...
TWT: 10 Ways Sugar Causes Cancer Within the next decade, the new statistics state that 1 in 2 will get cancer in their lifetime... This is a travesty of where...
578: 10 Early Warning Signs of Cancer Not to Ignore
TWT: 10 Early Warning Signs of Cancer Not to Ignore The last thing I want you to do is the worry that you're going to get cancer... Worry, fear, and...
MM: Harvard Study on Happiness In 1938 the sophomore class at Harvard University entered into a study that would last until the present day... Little did any of the participants...
550: The Benefits & Difference Between Steam vs. Sauna
TWT: The Benefits & Difference Between Steam vs. Sauna Lately, there's been a lot of talk in the media about the benefits of using heat therapies to get well, lose...
524: 19 Minutes of This Reduces All Causes of Death by 40% (New Research)
TT: 19 Minutes of This Reduces All Causes of Death by 40% (New Research) If a drug were ever created that could reduce heart attacks by 60+% and any cause of...
WW: Eat the Rainbow to Lose Weight & Feel Great! It's almost universally agreed upon that eating too much-processed food will lead to an increase in disease, weight gain, mood...
TWT: My Top 7 Cancer-Fighting Foods for Daily Use Right now, statistics show 1 out of every 3 people will get cancer in their lifetime... And by the year 2030,...
TT: The 12 Movement Sequence to Do Every Day One of the main goals of exercise, stretching, and strength training should be to keep your body in balance by combating...
354: Top 15 Most Prescribed Supplements by Doctors
TWT: Top 15 Most Prescribed Supplements by Doctors A recent report just came out naming the top nutritional supplements recommended across the board by MDs, NDs, Chiropractors, and Nutritionists... The...
306: Does Your Body Feel Stiff, Tight, or Locked Up?
TT: Does Your Body Feel Stiff, Tight, or Locked Up? We've been led to believe that when you're feeling tight or inflexible that more stretching will help... But, what happens...
TWT: How to Look 10 Years Younger Right around when we all become teenagers we start to become acutely aware of how our skin and appearance look... And although your...
TT: The 100 Best Ways to Stop Aging & Stay Young Typically, I save my book reviews for Friday's on the podcast, but today I wanted to review all the...
TWT: Noble Prize Winning Discovery Revealed! This is a topic I'm very passionate about and I've been (quietly) shouting it from the rooftops for the past 4 years... But now,...
TT: 33 Reasons to Use a Rebounder Many people don't know what a rebounder is until I mention its other name that you're most likely more familiar with… When most...
TWT: The Top 10 Causes of Death Talking about death & dying can seem morbid, but I think after listening to today's show you'll be shocked at how enlightening this...
WW: Follow the 12-Hour Fasting Rule One of the fastest ways to lose weight, get well, and live longer is to follow the 12-hour fasting rule - It's actually must...