1830: Start Where You Are - Use What You Have (Now)
MM: Start Where You Are - Use What You Have (Now) One of my favorite quotes that cuts through all of our excuses is by Arthur Ashe: “Start Where You...
1823: The 7 Best New Year’s Resolutions (Start Now)
MM: The 7 Best New Year’s Resolutions (Start Now) As they say, the best time to get started on achieving your goals was yesterday, but today will work just as...
1816: Add Just This ONE Thing to Your Daily Routine
MM: Add Just This ONE Thing to Your Daily Routine Doing more is not always the answer… Sometimes we need to step back and decide what is truly important to...
1809: Nature Is Nudging You Towards Your Goals (Listen)
MM: Nature Is Nudging You Towards Your Goals (Listen) Have you ever felt a disconnect between what you think your goals should be versus what your gut is telling? If...
1802: My 5 Favorite Ways to Measure Your Progress to Make Success Inevitable
MM: My 5 Favorite Ways to Measure Your Progress to Make Success Inevitable I think too many of us make the goal-setting part of our journey more time-consuming than it...
MM: Accomplish More In Less Time This Year Time is one of the few things that is non-renewable… Once it’s up we can’t get it back… When I think about...
MM: How to Choose the Right Goal for You We live in a time where we have unprecedented access to as much information as we would like… This can allow us to find the data we need...
1774: A Breakthrough in Positive Psychology: 6 Steps to Amplify Your Health & Happiness
MM: A Breakthrough in Positive Psychology: 6 Steps to Amplify Your Health & Happiness Sometimes when you read a book, article, or passage you immediately realize it holds a deeper...
1767: The ”Happiness Treadmill” of Life (Hedonic Adaption)
MM: The ”Happiness Treadmill” of Life (Hedonic Adaption) Have you ever accomplished a goal and thought you should be more excited or happier as a result? What about in relationships...
MM: The 1% Rule Changed My Life Although I’m an avid reader and someone that seeks out as much information as I can in order to learn, grow, and teach,...
1746: Our 3 Personalities We All Switch Between (Choose 1)
MM: Our 3 Personalities We All Switch Between (Choose 1) Have you ever noticed that we all act a bit differently depending on who we are around? It's actually quite...
MM: The Funny Thing About Doing Hard Things I think most people wish life was a little easier… And by that, I don’t mean that most people are looking to...
MM: Closed Minded vs Open-Minded Thinking Just by asking someone a simple set of questions, you’ll be able to figure out their chances of achieving greater things for themself in...
MM: 2 Tricks to Overcome Procrastination Like most people I typically have more things to do in a day to fit them in… But just like anyone else I can...
MM: Your Past Is Not Predictive Of Your Future It’s important to understand that you are where you are right now in life for a reason… Sometimes that’s good and...