060: My Mentor's Book, Inflammation Supplement, Epsom Salt Reviews
FR: My Mentor's Book, Inflammation Supplement, Epsom Salt Reviews The #Friday Review is here! Check out the book that my mentor wrote (it's what got me to reach out to her...
TT: Running Does Not Work Your Legs! Many people believe they do not need to work out their legs with resistance since they run, bike, or do some type of...
WW: Do You Feel Bloated, Swollen, or Puffy? This #Weight Loss Wednesday episode explains how many people who believe they are overweight are really just experiencing bloating and water retention...
057: How Long Should You Be Taking Nutritional Supplements?
TWT: How Long Should You Be Taking Nutritional Supplements? We're back with another Total Wellness Tuesday talking about one of my favorite topics to research! Enjoy today's breakdown of the...
055: How to Beat Jet Lag & Reset Your Natural Sleep Cycle
FR: How to Beat Jet Lag & Reset Your Natural Sleep Cycle After suffering from debilitating insomnia for years, I finally figured out how to reset my circadian rhythm. It...
054: How to Use EDT Principles to Double Your Workout Results - In Less Time
TT: How to Use EDT Principles to Double Your Workout Results - In Less Time EDT Principles is one of those workout "hacks" that seems too good to be true......
WW: When to Limit Water Intake to Lose Weight In order to push your weight loss to the next level and decrease bloating, I highly recommend following this protocol. It's...
052: How to Fix Low Mood & Learning Disorders by Addressing the Root Causes
TWT: How to Fix Low Mood & Learning Disorders by Addressing the Root Causes Total Wellness Tuesday is here! On today's show, I discuss how I help my private clients...
051: How to Be Taken More Seriously by Family & Friends
MM: How to Be Taken More Seriously by Family & Friends I used to find it a little frustrating when family or friends wouldn't take my advice even though I...
FR: Allergy Supplement, Neti Pot, Natural Anti-Histamine Recommendations As a long-time allergy sufferer, I've researched the best allergy relief protocols in the world. Today, I'd like to share with you...
TT: How to Change Your Workouts As You Age Have you ever wondered if you should be changing your workouts as you get older? Listen in to find out how...
WW: The Easiest Way to Lose Weight Welcome to Weight Loss Wednesday! Today, you can temporarily forget about exercising and eating right and just follow this one simple step to...
047: How Olive Oil Kills Cancer Cells - New Research
TWT: How Olive Oil Kills Cancer Cells - New Research Here's the latest cutting-edge news in cancer research! Discover the component inside olives and olive oil that is being studied...
MM: My Best Meditation Techniques for Beginners After failing multiple times at meditating (even after studying with Tibetan Monks and the Dali Lama) I came to some fascinating conclusions that...
045: Follow the Blue Zone Principles to Live Longer
FR: Follow the Blue Zone Principles to Live Longer An interesting thing happens when you travel the world and study the oldest living populations... You begin to see key unifying...
043: Why Some of Your Friends Can Eat Anything and Not Gain Weight
WW: Why Some of Your Friends Can Eat Anything and Not Gain Weight It doesn't seem fair, but some people can seem to eat whatever they want and still not...
TT: How I Design My Client's Workouts Whether you're a professional athlete or someone looking to transform your body you need to make sure your workout program is designed with...
MM: Live Happily with No Regrets Reduce anxiety, eliminate the feeling of being overwhelmed, and learn how to choose the right goals for you in your life to live happily...
FR: Proven Natural Remedies, Vitamin D, Noting Taking Tips Review There seems to be some confusion with some people who believe that Natural Medicine isn't based on science... Yes, there...