TT: Intermittent Fasting vs. Calorie Restriction (Winner Announced)
A lot of people may not know this about me, but deep down I’m a big-time skeptic when it comes to a lot of research studies…
Don’t get me wrong, I’m reading the research and science behind them daily, but the fact is that many of them are “paid for” or funded by groups that have an agenda…
And other studies have such a small sample size that the data isn’t really clinically significant, yet the media makes it out to be this “groundbreaking” study!
But, I make sure to never let the bad crowd out some really great studies and I think this initial research (although still small) gave us some insight on how intermittent fasting (IF) stacks up versus continuous daily calorie reduction…
Check out today’s #CabralConcept 1098 to discover the winner of the debate of whether intermittent fasting is better than calorie reduction for weight loss and overall health – Enjoy the show!