WW: My Top 7 Wellness & Weight Loss Smoothie Recipes!
20 years ago, my digestive system was barely functioning. I had trouble breaking down even easy-to-digest foods…
This led to a gradual weakening of my body and immune system, which resulted in a host of fatigue, GI, skin, auto-immune, brain fog, and other conditions…
It wasn’t until I found out about the healing power of smoothies that I actually began to rebuild my body from the inside out. For the first time, I was able to absorb the nutrition from the pre-digested liquid smoothies and my body began to rapidly change…
But, not all smoothies are created equal (some are actually harmful), and as a result, some people are not getting the benefits that they deserve…
Tune into today’s #CabralConcept 270 to get the same exact wellness & weight loss smoothie recipes that I give my private clients in my Boston Naturopathic Medicine practice!