WW: The Bathing Suit Body Diet Revealed
Personally, I don’t think it’s realistic or even necessary to walk around every day of your life at your ideal perfect goal weight, or body…
That would require that you exclude all of your favorite “cheat foods” on a weekly basis and that you’re strictly adhering to an exercise program…
What I do believe is that we should all stay within 5-10 lbs maximum of our healthy goal weight, and then when desired we can easily lose that extra weight within a week or two…
This is a more relaxed, enjoyable, and realistic way to live in my opinion…
For details on how to lose those 5 – 10 lbs quickly before a big event, photoshoot, wedding, beach day, or vacation, tune into today’s #CabralConcept 509 where I share with you my private client’s Bathing Suit Body Diet plan – Enjoy the show!