HouseCall: Verruca Recommendations, MTHFR Help, Low Platelets, Diet & Burping, Natural Acne Solution
Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!
I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…
Let’s get started!
Anonymous: Hi Dr Cabral. I’m looking for advice to help my 8 year old daughter. She had a verucca last year that was persistent, it eventually cleared up with over the counter treatment. The verucca has come back this year and is really not shifting & it appears to be getting worse/larger. I have tried taping it, shop bought treatments and home remedies using garlic etc. What would you recommend? Thank you for sharing all of your wisdom.
Kirsten: Hi Dr. C! Thank you so much for what you do! I enjoy listening to your podcasts daily! I took the MTHfr test and I was told that I carry one abnormal copy of two Mthfr genes. It looks like I am heterozygous for both.. Can you explain to me what this means and what I need to do to treat it please? I also have Hashimotos but not sure if that’s connected or not.Thank you!
Angie: Hello Dr. Cabral,My recent lab results indicate platelets low at 147 which is concerning. Gi Doctor said i have at two low labs and she is not concerned since it’s a trend with prior labs. What could be wrong and what is your suggestion for a resolution ? Other labs – which are concerning Hemoglobin @16.5 (high) HCT @50 (high) Glucose @101 (high) And diagnosed with IBS.I appreciate any guidance. Thank you for all you do !
Christina: Hi Dr. Cabral! First, thank you for your generosity with your knowledge & time & the team you have built around you. I’m so grateful for the community. Now to the question: 3 months ago I started eating chicken and beef again after 15 years of a pescatarian diet. I have noticed that since that time, my frequency of burping has increased. I thought maybe my microbiome and digestive system needed time to adjust, but also thought by 3 months it would have subsided. This is the only change I’ve made in my diet; all other habits are the same – sleep, frequency of workouts, environment, supplements, etc. The burps come on suddenly which can be sort of embarrassing and if I try to hold them in, it causes acid reflux. What do you suggest I do?
Julianna: Hello! Thank you for reviewing my situation. I am female, age 22. As many women my age, I have been dealing with acne for a while, but got much worse around age 20 (didn’t have much of a problem in high school). It appears to be fungal and comedonal acne all the time and some cystic acne around my period. Many small spots on my chin, forehead, and nostril area, sometimes in the area above my top lip. I’ve seen a dermatologist for the past 2 years, on Doxycycline pills, tretinoin cream, and clindamycin lotion. This helped clear my skin pretty well but not completely. I recently stopped all of these, I want to find more natural solutions to whatever is causing the acne, and the acne has, of course, come back. I try to eat clean and use low-tox products. What can I do to solve this?
Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!