HouseCall: Infrared or Dry Sauna, Blood Thinners, Help for Candida, Thermograms, Information on POTS
Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!
This is where we answer our community’s wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!
Check out today’s questions:
Abby: Hi Dr. Cabral, I’ve listened to several of your podcasts on saunas. If you had to pick one for your home, would it be a dry “finnish” sauna or an infrared sauna based on the health benefits? I know the dry saunas have been around forever and there are hundreds of studies on their benefits where as there doesn’t seem to be as many on the infrared saunas. Thanks!
Elsa: Hi Dr. Cabral.Just finished my first ever 7 day detox and getting ready to do some tests. I’m 58 years old, work out regularly and eat a relatively healthy diet. Was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism many years ago and taking Np Thyroid at the present time. Three and a half years ago was surprised by a heart attack which lead to the placement of several stents on my LAD. This made me focus on my health and trying to find out what the underlying causes were although all explanations I got was that it was all genetics. Of course cardiologist wants me to take statins, aspirin and blood thinners for life which I’m not willing to do if I can help it. My question is about blood thinners and aspirin.Could something like proteolytic enzymes combined with omega-3 supplements work in a similar way?
Morgan: Hi Dr. Cabral,I’ve beenLoving your podcast for quite some time now. I’m wondering where you recommend to start when diagnosed with candida potentially due to mold. My doctor also thought I had a parasite and SIBO at this time and started me on albendazole and xifaxan. When taking Zyon, my fungal symptoms, significantly worsened. I started having severe dandruff, bloating, gas, fatigue. She now wants me to take prescription itraconazole for up to six months, along with atrantil PRO (which contains probiotics), magnesium, IGY, and DAO. What are your thoughts on these recommendations? Six months seems like a long period of time to me. Is this normally how long it takes, even if going the natural route? Would it be worthwhile to start the CBO protocol instead? Thanks for all you do!
Alex: Dr C- you are the best. You’ve changed our lives forever. Can you give us your opinion on thermograms for detecting health issues, cancer, etc compared to the PreNuvo scans? Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Alex: Can you please do an entire podcast on POTS? symptomology, root causes, how to fix, how to help with symptoms while fixing? So many people I know have it and don’t have any answers. It would be great to be able to send them to one podcast instead of piecing together house call questions. Thank you so much for all you do.
Thank you for tuning into today’s Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!