HouseCall: Painful Period, Nutritional Yeast & MSG, Measuring HRV, H.Pylori & Travel, Bone Spurs
Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!
This is where we answer our community’s wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!
Check out today’s questions:
Anonymous: Hello, I’m a 36 year old woman who eats mostly a clean plant based diet, but still has fibromyalgia and inflammation in the body. My periods are regular and not strong, but they start with spotting a few days before the painful 1st day of the period. What can I do to stop it being so painful? Also last month I had some spotting and bleeding 4 days around the time of ovulation, is that normal? What does it mean and how to get my body in balance? Thank you
Lara: Hi, dr. C!I know you say nutritional yeast is a problem because its molecules are similar to MSG or that’s how the body perceives it, but someone told me the same happens with tomatoes and mushrooms? they say nutritional yeast is a great source of B12 and folic acid – it does contain naturally occurring MSG, but so do tomatoes and mushrooms, so is that the same? Is naturally occurring MSG as bad as actual MSG? Should we avoid tomatoes and mushrooms as well?
Thank you for the clarification
Ann: Hi Dr. Cabral- Thank you for all you do for the community:). I have a question about both Heart Rate Variability and VO2Max. Barring going to a specialist to get tested, what are the best or most accurate tools to measure each? Thank you again as always for all you do!
Charlotte: Hi Dr. Cabral, I’m currently trying to conceive & am working with a Naturopath & Integrative Dr to prepare & keep Hashimotos stable. We completed a stool test which was positive for H.Pylori, Staph & high inflammation Calprotectin of 376 ug/g. Three weeks prior to doing the stool test I travelled to Thailand where I ate outside of my usual Gluten & Dairy Free diet & also had stomach upset/diarrhoea for 4 days. I usually have no gut issues. Do you think the upset during travel or H.Pylori/Staph can raise marker? Naturopath wants referral for colonoscopy ASAP as could be driving thyroid & persistent antibodies of 300. Dr & I are reluctant as no prior gut issues & is invasive. Completed 4 month gut protocol to remove pathogens, now working on inflammation. What next?
Allison: Hi Dr. Cabral, I searched your podcast archives and didn’t see anything on the topic of bone spurs. My Dad has some in his shoulder and they say the only way to deal with his limited range of motion is surgery. I also have them under my kneecaps which has created a lot of mobility issues and a surgeon told me he could operate and clean off the surface under the kneecaps but there would be no guarantee it would work or help. Why do bone spurs occur and is there any way to get rid of them naturally? I’d also love to know how to prevent them from reforming. Thank you!
Thank you for tuning into today’s Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!