HouseCall: Food Sensitivity & Immune System, Gut Health & Kids, Garlic & Onions & Digestion, Fasting & Hypoglycemia
Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!
I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…
Let’s get started!
Melissa: Hi Dr. Cabral – on my food sensitivity test call, the coach said that there would be concern if a person didn’t have any immune reactions to food because food is a foreign invader of the body. I see what she’s saying to a certain extent but this was confusing to me because I thought the point of taking the test was to figure out your sensitivities and remove them for a certain period of time then reintroduce them to see if you’re still sensitive…the goal being to remove a negative immune reaction and reduce stress on your body. Maybe I was misunderstanding what she was saying but this just sounded counterintuitive to me. Can you please explain? Could the sensitivities be affecting the IgG part of your immune system in which wouldn’t you want to remove them?
Dylaini: (Pronounced: Delaney) Hi Dr. Cabral, thanks for all of the knowledge and information you share. I am an RN hoping to make the jump to IHP soon! My son is 13 months old and he’s already been on antibiotics 3x… once for fever of unknown origin at 50 days old and 2 other for ear infections. I know you and your coaches don’t see kids until three years old. Are there any tips you have for kids under three to rebuild gut Microbiome because of these antibiotics and any suggestions of what to do to instead to avoid them in the future.
Jackie: Hi Dr. Cabral, thank you for all you do. Your team and the work you do have been life changing for me. I struggle with garlic and onions – they cause me to burp & have gas for 48hours. It also take 3-4 days for me stop stinking (even with daily sauna/cardio)- very unpleasant. I don’t eat them unless at family or friends or out of my direct control as a common cooking ingredient. Is there anything I can do to help with digestion. For context did big 5 no food intolerances other than eggs/Brazil nuts – FMD 21, HVM, CBO, CBO FIN, & FMD 7. I also ran allergy tests and nothing came back. I take HCL + digestive enzymes with meals to support digestion. Would love your insights
Hannah: Hi Dr Cabral you’re so amazing, thanks for all you do! I probably have some insulin resistance (years of high carb/ processed diet) GD during pregnancy (failed by 2 pts) tinnitus acquired during third trimester. Since the tinnitus started I have been determined to turn my health around for me and my family! I tried to do a 36 hour water fast and I became tachycardic, BG 44 after 35 hours and had to eat something. I am 4’11” 96lb, Any advice with how to fast while dealing with hypoglycemia?
Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!