HouseCall: Specific Diets, Maltodextrin, Relieving Histamines, HRV Down, Mastic Gum Dosing, Chlorella Chelating Power
Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!
This is where we answer our community’s wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!
Check out today’s questions:
Dianna: Hello, I am a Pitta/Vata. There was no female celebrity as an example. I am 65 and trying to lose the last 30lbs. I usually follow low carb (meat) due to having gluten intolerance, grain intolerance. I have difficulty trying to fast. Do you recommend a specific diet? thanks.
Andrea: I hope you’re having a great day! My question is about maltodextrin. There are great functional medicine brands out there but I’ve noticed that sometimes supplements contain maltodextrin when using an extract of something (i.e. ginger root extract). What are your thoughts of maltodextrin in these situations?
Maria: Hey Dr. Cabral! After 10 months of chronic hives (No other histamine symptoms. I was diagnosed with autoimmune based hives), I did the Big 5 and after consulting with 1 of your health coaches, I started CBO protocol, citricidal drops, thyroid support, adrenal sooth, vit D3, and Omega 3s. I’m on my last week of the CBO and will start the CBO finisher immediately after for 3 months. During this time I’ve seen improvement in my hives (98% gone), I’ve been able to get off of all my pharmaceuticals except for 1 biologic injection that I still get bi-weekly. I’ve been following the Sensitive Gut Guide, but also sticking to a low histamine diet (which unfortunately eliminates a lot of the foods on the SGG). My question is if you think I can truly heal myself from this or if I’ll always live with this issue, and I’ll just have to learn to manage it through strict lifestyle and diet like I have the last 3 months? Even though I’ve been doing better, I’m terrified to stray from the SGG or low histamine diet for fear that the hives may return. I’d love to be able to enjoy a cheat meal or even high histamine foods on the SGG. Any thoughts or words of hope?! How long did it take you to fully heal all your histamine based issues?
Rosie: Hi Dr Cabral! I’ve been loving your podcast. Honestly, there’s nothing like it out there. Question: My HRV has fallen dramatically the last 3 months. I track it with Oura. It used to be around 70 and now it has been consistently on the 30-40s. Mental stress has not changed and I actually stopped working out so hard. Just sticking to 10k daily steps plus some band resistance training. However I’ve ran a HTMA and OAT and heavy metals and yeast showed up. This was not present when I ran this a year ago after I completed CBO. But I guess I caused myself yeast overgrowth again Do you think this can cause HRV to go down? Heart rate has also been elevated during sleep too! Very weird. Basically my readiness has been terrible the past 3 months.
Lewis: Please is pure mastic gum taken before meals or after meals
Breanna: In your heavy metal detox protocol you use chlorella to bind the heavy metals. In a different course I am currently taking, I am being taught that if someone has silver fillings you want to stay away from chlorella because it will pull it out of the mouth. Have you heard of this? Would you suggest other binders if this is the case?
Thank you for tuning into today’s Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!