CC: How to Rewrite Your Past To Create a Positive Future With Elliot Roe (Interview)
Whether you grew up with a fantastic childhood, or not, each one of us carries with us those past memories which forged our subconscious…
Whether or not the stories from those memories are even true through your adult set of eyes does not matter – The subconscious wiring has already been set…
And, these memories become the operating system for our present-day thoughts, feeling, and actions, which of course create our life…
The good news is that you can change these faulty programs (memories) if you know where and what to look for…
Tune into today’s #CabralConcept 1721 to find out how to rewrite your past to create a positive future with our special guest, @ElliotRoe – Enjoy the show and let us know what you thought!