Food Shopping Secrets Revealed
When you’re shopping for fruit and vegetables it’s important to look at the sticker on the produce that you’re buying.
By just looking at what number the sticker code starts with you will be able to determine how that food was brought to the market.
The sticker is called the “Price Look Up Code” (PLU Code) and what you want to look for is 1 of these 4 numbers.
A “3” or “4” denotes conventionally grown food.
This means this product has been sprayed with toxic chemicals that are oftentimes unable to be washed off your foods.
Stay clear of these.
An “8” means that the food has been genetically engineered.
This basically means what you’re eating is not actually natural food, but man-made food made to look like healthy fruit, vegetables, or other food items. These items may also have been sprayed with chemicals as well. Definitely do not eat these.
A “9” means the product was produced organically.
It has not been treated with chemicals and you can feel safer knowing this food was not sprayed with synthetic poisons. These are the healthy ones to choose.
Price Look Up Codes
Here is an example of the “codes” from my favorite type of apple:
4139: Conventional Granny Smith apple
94139: Organic Granny Smith
84139: Genetically Modified Granny Smith
Also, it’s important to keep in mind that about 70% of processed food ingredients come from genetically modified food products (mainly corn, soy, and canola oil) and/or chemically sprayed foods.