HouseCall: Low Hormones, Chronic Sinus Issues, Pregnancy Fatigue, Family Advice, Floating Stool, Trouble Swallowing
Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!
This is where we answer our community’s wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!
Check out today’s questions:
Chris: Hi Stephen, Big fan of all the work you do and the free content you provide. I recently had an at home male hormone blood test done as I was suspecting low testosterone. I feel fatigued upon waking despite 8 hours of sleep, no morning erections, fat around the breasts and belly button despite having a fairly lean waist and a inability to build muscle were my main symptoms. My lifestyle is stress free apart from my workouts which i do for 1 hour 3 times per week on my off days from work. I work 4 days at a garden center which is a physical job. I am on my feet for 7 hours a day and average at around 15000 steps a day on my work days (8000 on my off days). I sleep 8 hours a night and eat 4000 calories a day of whole foods such as oats, sweet potatoes, fruit, veg, rice, yogurt, cheese, whey protein, chicken, beef. My digestion on the whole is pretty good. I do not have kids, single and my job is relatively stress-free. Below are my results of the test. The first number is my result and the second set of numbers is the conventional medicine range, not the optimal range. I have left the measurements out as they are different in the UK.Albumin – 35.3/35-50FSH – 1.2/1.5-12.4, LH – 5.7/1.7-8.6, Oestradiol – 151/41-159, Testosterone – 20/8.64 29SHBG – 49/18.3-54.1, Free Testosterone (Calculated) – 0.359/0.2-0.62, Prolactin – 263/86-324 TSH – 1.70/0.27-4.20 (I am on Levothyroxine for low Thyroid), Free T4 – 19.80/12.0-22.0,PSA -0.783/<1.4 I am starting to swap my Tupperware to glass, moving to ceramic cookware and swapping my plastic bottles to stainless steel ones to lower my estrogen. Do you have any ideas on other things i can do? My hunch is over training as my nutrition, sleep and stress seem to be under control. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks for all your hard work Dr Cabral.
Diane: Hi, What is the best test to run for chronic sinus issues. It’s not too bad but my eyes always look like i have a mild allergy and my nose is always stuffed or needs to be blown. I am dairy free and currently have no pets in the house for the past 3 years. I’m reading the Rain Barrel and love it. Thanks Diane.
Lilja: What do you recommend when a women is pregnant and feeling sluggish and tired?
Anali: Hello,My mother has been doing keto for the past year and a half and has become an absolute zealot. Lately she has taken to telling me about how I’m killing myself and my family by feeding them carbs. I’m curious if you have any easy to read information or studies about possible negative sides to doing keto long term. She claims she is feeling the best she ever has in her life, yet complain that the fake sweeteners she uses for cooking give hear an instant headache and that doesn’t seem to be enough to convince her that maybe she shouldn’t be eating them. Thanks for your time, I love the podcast, especially the episodes focusing on the Ayurvedic systems. Anali
Frances: I’ve search through old podcasts but haven’t found the answer. Besides improper digestion of fat, what can cause floating stool? I’ve had a 72 hour fecal fat test, and the results came back normal, and my pancreatic enzymes were also normal. Also, I’ve heard that Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) may lead to constipation, I’m curious if this is true and if there is a way to improve EDS symptoms. Thank you for all the amazing information you provide.
Ricky: Hello,I’m a 30 year old male and have been suffering from achalasia (which I had never heard of until listening to your podcast a few days ago) for a few years. After I choked and required the heimlick the second time 2 years ago, my family urged my to seek treatment. I went to a gastroenterologist and after multiple visits and 2 endoscopies, all I learned was that I likely had gastritis and should take omeprozale for the rest of my life. I’ve self-learned a lot since then including the potential negative side effects of omeprazole and the benefits of diet. I have since stopped taking any medication and tried more natural treatments such as dgl supplements. I still struggle with my achalasia and after a friend recommended that I listen to your podcast, I felt the urge to seek your guidance for treatment. What are the next steps that I can take? Thanks in advance, Ricky
Thank you for tuning into today’s Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!