WW: The Main Factors That Affect Thyroid Malfunction
One of the top health issues we see in my Integrative Health Practice is sub-optimal thyroid function (typically low thyroid)…
Much of the time this goes un-diagnosed, but people are walking around with the symptoms of a weakened thyroid that manifest themselves as:
- Low energy
- Low mood
- Low vitality
- Thinning hair/skin/eyebrows
- Weight gain
- Sluggishness
- Brain fog
- Poor circulation
- and much more…
The good news is that all of these issues can be overcome and you can begin to heal your thyroid as long as you know the toxicities and deficiencies you may be dealing with…
Tune into today’s #CabralConcept 1083 to find out the main factors that affect thyroid malfunction and what you can do about it – Enjoy the show!