HouseCall: Eosinophilic Esophagitis, Digestive Enzyme, Children’s Lab Testing, Vegetable Protein Powder, Dosha Confusion, 10lbs to Go, Hormone Imbalance, Kapha Foods, Pitta Spices
Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!
This is where we answer our community’s wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!
Check out today’s questions:
Kenzie: Hi Dr. Cabral! Have been listening to your podcast for several weeks now, going back and listening to a bunch of episodes. First of all, thank you for your wealth of knowledge! I enjoy listening to your podcast very much. I have a question that I don’t think you’ve talked about (or at least I can’t find it). Have you ever heard of / dealt with any clients that have EOE (Eosinophilic esophagitis)? My boyfriend has been dealing with it for a few years. You touched upon something similar in a semi-recent podcast and mentioned that the ‘balloon method should not be an answer (something his doctor suggested but he didn’t go through with). We’ve looked up so many different ways to combat EOE but no success. After listening to so many of your podcasts, I figured you might know how to help. Happy to chat on the phone with you or someone from your team about this further! I have a few other questions anyways and would love to start working with you/the team! -Kenzie
Denae Hi, I just started listening to your podcast and I’m hooked. I actually plan on doing your 7 or 14-day detox plan soon. My question for you is which digestive enzyme supplement do you think if most effective? Sorry if you have answered this previously in a podcast. Thank you!
Greg I was curious if I am able to purchase the lab tests for my child. Thanks
Jessica Hi there! I just finished reading The Rain Barrel Effect, and I am very excited to start a 21-day detox. I would love to purchase the kit available on your site, but I’m concerned that the shake powder has rice and pea protein. I’ve been reading that most vegetable protein powders have high levels of heavy metals. Do you have more information about this, or will you be developing a formula without vegetable protein or with a different protein source (like collagen?). Thank you for your help! Jessica
Daniella Hi Dr Cabral. I have been listening to the podcast you did on the Melissa Ambrosini show, and also the podcast with Dr. Sushas and I’m trying to find out how i find out my body type. I have completed an online dosha quiz, and I’m wondering is that all I need to do. Do I just start following the Kapha dosha qualities. I would be interested in making sure that what I’m following is the right thing. Any advice would be appreciated. Happy to make an appointment to speak with you also. Thanks Daniella
Kelly I am interested in learning more about how I can work with Dr. Cabral and his team. I am “healthy” in the western definition of the word. I eat a pretty healthy workout 4-5 days a week and don’t have any specific problems. However, I want to lose 10ish pounds and have more energy.
Juanita Good morning. I am posting total hysterectomy 1 1/2 years and wanted to know if there is a podcast that I can listen to that can help get pass the loss. Examples like weight gain, fatigue, mood swings, as well as, hormone imbalances. Please help! Juanita
C Love your show, and especially the new Ayurveda Wednesdays. I have been struggling with my body transformation goals (losing weight, getting in shape) for a long time, in part because of my Kapha Pitta constitution. When I exercise, especially with my focus on strength training, I bulk up really fast, so I tend to get bigger rather than smaller. When it comes to diet, I know that more vegetables and less starches, proteins, and fats tend to be best for my weight loss, but with my level of appetite, this usually cannot last, and I start reaching for more of all three. Compounding all of this is the fact that the dietary recommendations for Kappha and Pitta are literally the opposite! It just feels like with my body type, I’m either going to be an athlete or a potato, and I’m going for something more in-between. What is the best food and exercise combination for this body type (and I suppose other body types with dual, contradicting natures)?
Laura Hi- I’m listening to all your Ayurveda podcast and got a book you suggested. I figured My body type is over 50% pitta, my face has some Vata features, my chest waist, and shoulders some Kapha. About 58 pitta, 25 Vata, and 17 kapha. However, I love Spicy and warm foods. I understand I have to balance that-but I’m always cold. When I drink or eat something cool or cold I get Goosebumps and cold for a while. I have Ryanair’s diesel so I’m confused about how to eat to balance everything?
Thank you for tuning into today’s Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!