HouseCall: Online Certification, Fixed Retainer, Headache Numbness, Indigestion, Cracked Lips, Low Libido Supplements, Kapha Diet
Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!
This is where we answer our community’s wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!
Check out today’s questions:
Jose: Hello Stephen I’m so glad I found you and your podcast! I was wondering how do I sign up for your upcoming functional medicine education training? I work as a physical therapist and have found myself frustrated at times because I see many patients with issues other than musculoskeletal issues that I can’t help. I also know other systemic issues may actually lead to the musculoskeletal pain they may be having. I have become interested in furthering my education with regard to funcional medicine. I would also love to get your opinion on whether you feel it would be a good choice to apply to a Doctor of Naturopathy program which I recently have been seriously considering. I would love to better be able to help people and I plan on signing up for your classes if I am allowed to but I wonder whether I will be better able to make an impact with people by actually becoming a board certified naturopathic doctor? Any advice/information you can provide would be much appreciated. Thank You-Jose
Jenett: Hi Dr. Cabral, First off, I love every episode and learn s much from you, so thank you!! I really look forward to every episode and have enjoyed the recent ones on ayervedic dosha’s. Much like you, my passion is to help people with their health in a natural Patric way. I’ve been looking at schools on line, but it’s hard to know where to go to get a degree as a natural path of practicianer, that doesn’t take seven years to complete, or break the budget. Can you recommend a great online school? Have you heard of new eden? If so, what are your thoughts on it in terms of achieving my goal? Thank you so much for any advise and help you can give. Jenett
Elizabeth: Hi Dr Cabral, I’ve had a fixed retainer with bonded metal wires for about 7 years now, is it possible that some metals are leaching from the retainer and possibly exposing me to heavy metals? At least once a year I get a professional dental hygiene clean and the fixed retainer doesn’t bother me other than the potential heavy metal toxicity. Currently considering having it removed but given the money I spent on correcting my teeth I really don’t want my teeth misaligning back to how they were! (don’t particularly wish to wear a plastic retainer at night either!). I wondered what your view is on this and whether it’s best to have them removed or would a regular heavy metal detox alone be suffice? Ideally I’d simply do a hair tissue mineral analysis but frustratingly I am unable to do that right now. On a side note, I have more or less all the symptoms of low thyroid and some minor melasma (I understand melasma can persist due to excess copper levels). Have been taking gaia herbs adrenal support; understand weak adrenals also contribute to inability to excrete excess copper. Taking multivitamin (Nature’s plus source of life gold), milk thistle to help detox the liver along with pure Hawaiian spirulina. I wondered if there is also any potential link with scoliosis and heavy metals? I presume any type of metal in the body would propose heavy metal risk? Look forward to your upcoming show with your biological dentist! Thank you for all you do. (London, UK)
Ashley: Hi Dr. Cabral, I love your podcasts, you have inspired me in many ways! I wanted to see if you have any experience with abnormal/irregular migraines? I have had only 3 in my life and they have been very spread out. During the first one I actually believed I was having a mini-stroke. It starts with an aura in which a figure in my vision is blurred and I start to feel uneasy and dizzy. Then I get a headache and then I get numbness in my left hand. I have gone to Neurologists a couple of times and they have done many tests, MRI’s even had an echocardiogram and they have no idea what is causing this. Do you have any suggestions? It is very scary when this happens. Best, Ashley
Evelyn: Hi, I have a history of indigestion as well as heartburn and I get bouts of the loose stool where I have to run to the bathroom. I am fighting severe fatigue with a past history of Lyme disease, H Pylori, and Babesia that I treated for a year homeopathically through a specialist in Maine. I have started to take B2 which seems to be helping. I have tried immune system boosters but it seems like those overstimulate my system and cause things to get worse. I have a superb diet and am a pescatarian. I do not eat dairy or wheat and I work out 5-6 days a week doing mostly cardio. I struggle with a hiatal hernia as well (on and off), which my mom and daughters also struggle with.
Jim B.: Hi, I struggle with having to constantly clear my throat due to phlegm. I have tried cutting wheat/gluten and dairy out of my diet and that did not seem to help. I am not sure what causes this or where to begin. I also have many small, splitting and cracking cuts at the tips of my fingers to the point of pain and it is much worse in the wintertime. No lotion has seemed to help. Swimming in saltwater and being in humidity clears it up right away, but living in Maine I do not often have the option and it comes back right away.
Lastly, while I am sleeping at night I am constantly jerking and making sudden movements, almost like full-body twitching. Looking forward to hearing from you, thanks so much!
L Caesar: Hey Dr. Cabral. From Tobago. Great show. It has been a life changer ever since I heard you in Jason Ferruggia’s podcast and I recommend it to everyone I know. Rain Barrel Effect book is excellent. Just wondering if you’ve ever done a show with regard to an ayurvedic take or what natural means are they, if any to boost both male & female virility, enhancement, libido etc with regard to sexual performance and measures to prevent any onset of problems like erectile dysfunction, loss of erection, dyspareunia, loss of sexual desire etc. Used the search bar and didn’t come up with anything. As always keep up great work. It’s making a huge difference worldwide.
Katie Meuse: Hi Dr. Cabral & Team! I’ve been loving the Ayurveda podcasts. I’ve recently read “The Rain Barrel Effect” and “The Paleovedic Diet”, and Vasant Lad’s “Ayurveda-The Science of Self-Healing” many times, yet I’m still struggling with choosing the correct foods for my dosha. I’m pretty positive I’m a Vata-Kapha. I’m 43 with no health issues, but want to lose 10 pounds (mostly around my middle). I’m a yoga instructor and have been teaching for 15 years. Although I’m from New England originally I live in South Florida now, and also find it hard to swear off smoothies & cold foods when it’s always hot here. So many of the vata pacifying foods contradict the kapha pacifying. How do I know which is out of balance? Since I’ve accumulated a little weight, should I lean toward the kapha diet? I did the 7-day detox a few weeks ago and did lose 3 pounds, but a couple crept back LOL. I’m planning on doing it again soon. Thanks for your help!!
Thank you for tuning into today’s Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!