FR: The Single Vitamin Myth, Children’s Probiotic, Colicky Baby Cure, NLP Book Recommendations
Don’t miss this #FridayReview where I debunk the “single vitamin solution” myth and also provide my recommendations for a children’s probiotic, a colicky baby, and the top NLP books to review.
Enjoy the Show!
HouseCall: My Favorite Cheat Meal? Does Yoga Count? Best Food Documentary?
After just giving you my #FridayReview Recommendations now I’m back to answer our community questions:
- Nick: What’s Your favorite cheat meal?
- Kim M: Does Yoga & Tai Chi count as exercise?
- Robert: I know you like to read, but I’m not very good at it, so what would you recommend as the best health or food-based documentary for me to get started on?
Get all those answers and many more on today’s show!