MM: How Your Current Relationships May Be Hurting Your Goals
On this #Motivation & Mindset Monday I’m going to talk with you about how the goals you set for yourself are largely influenced by the people we surround ourselves with…
Find out how you may just be the sum of the 5 closest friends or family you spend the most time with and what that means when it comes to reaching your goals!
HouseCall: Family Peer Pressure, Is It Too Late, How Often Should You Change Your Goals?
After explaining “The Importance of Surrounding Yourself with the Right People” and how your current relationships may be affecting your ability to achieve your goals, it’s time to answer our community questions!
Janet: How can I not let my family influence my own choices as well as my kids when we’re around them?
Phil O: I’m 54 years old and have never set any real plans for myself – is it too late and where would I even start?
Terence: Can or should your goals change every month or year?
Enjoy today’s House Call!