FR: Protein-Aholic, Organic Food & Cancer, HgA1c Review
Welcome back to our #FridayReview where I bring you the best of the week, product & book reviews, real-world tips & research, and weekly lab review!
First up today we have a book review written by a doctor trying to scientifically prove to you that we’ve become obsessed with protein in our culture (I know I used to be)…
Next, I have some great research on how conventional food is radically different than organic in terms of causing cancer. Plus, I’ll share with you a podcast I was just on with the amazing @kellimtennant
Last, but not least I will be reviewing a crucial number to test long-term glucose tolerance that you should be running at least annually on your labs…
Tune into today’s #CabralConcept 1071 for all the details – Enjoy the show!