HouseCall: Nutritional Response Testing, Keto & Gallbladder, Ring Worm, Estrogen Build Up, Kid’s Multi-Vitamin, Antibiotic-Induced Fatigue, 71 Years Young
Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!
This is where we answer our community’s wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!
Check out today’s questions:
Nikki: Hi Dr. Cabral! Long-time listener. I tell everyone in my life about you and refer to you as my Dr. in conversation 🙂 Thank you for everything you do! I wanted your opinion on Nutritional Response Testing. My chiropractor/nutritionist has done this testing on me. He has given me supplements to balance my body. I trust him, his knowledge and experience but is this particular test worthwhile? I know it must not be as accurate as lab tests, but for a healthy person like myself looking for optimal health, is it sufficient? Many thanks, Doc 🙂
Aiyanna: Could I get a suggestion where to start, keto for 7 months no gallbladder definitely feel good minus poor digestion no weight loss at all though. I plan to start paleo and do the 7-day cleanse but should I also do the weight loss test OR organic acids?
Ellen: I would like to begin using your resources but don’t know where to begin. I have had consistent constipation for at least a year and it’s getting worse. I also have ringworm. It has come back for a second time. I know doing all the lab tests would be the most beneficial but I would like to start slowly mainly due to the cost. So, I’m not sure if I should start with a lab test, a detox, or a supplement. Also, is there a podcast that discusses ringworm. I am in the process of listening to the ones that discuss constipation although if you can recommend the best podcasts for that subject, I would appreciate it. Thank you so much. This has been such a gift. Ellen
Deanna: I had a pretty bad case of hives all over my body last year so I had an IgG food allergy test done. I removed the trigger foods but have recently had an outbreak of hives again (this time only on my throat/chest). Is it worth getting another food allergy test done? I also have high cortisol and estrogen levels. My functional medicine doctor said the hormone build-up is due to my constipation which is most likely triggered by my food intolerance. I’m thinking of trying the 7-day detox to see if that helps flush my body of whatever is building up. Is there anything else you can recommend? I already take digestive enzymes and methyl b-complex. Best, Deanna Liccardi
Kirsten: Hello! I have two questions. I’m wondering if you received my intake form for my son Van Dugan. Second question: Is the daily activated multi-vitamin for everyone? Some of the vitamin percentages exceed the RDI by a lot. Is it safe for everyone to take this multi, kids, too? Should I reduce the dosage to 2 or 3 capsules for kids? I know … that was 4 questions. Thank you kindly, Kirsten
Suzie: Hi Stephen. Thank you for the amazing information on your podcast! I’m 25 yrs old and last year really hit the hardest year of my life health-wise. I was stressed, exhausted, and sick. I feel like I’m slowly recovering. I eat fully organic food, take organic Nutriway Vitamins and feel like I’m doing everything possible to help and a year later I’m still going through rough patches of sickness. I’ve had to drop working to three days per week for my energy. I suffer from peeling flingers/ toes constantly, sore back/legs after a big day, fatigue, and I’ve noticed I take a long time to heal what should be minor issues (cuts, bruises etc) This all began with a chronically sore throat and snowballed from there. I notice that my throat is always sore without the use of a nasal spray (salt) or steaming. Do you have any idea what could be causing this? Or further steps I can take to fully heal? (I try to stretch daily. Take Epsom salt baths.) I was also vegan for years and six months ago introducing meat back (which helped). I’ve also been on Accutane when I was 22 for four months and have traveled to many counties when I was younger and healthy (And did get bitten by a tick in Nepal) I was on antibiotics for a while previously too. Thank you for all that you do!
Diana: I live in Chicago and I am looking for a certified Naturopathic doctor in the Chicago land area. Are there any good recommendations? I would hate to have a bad experience with someone that doesn’t have the necessary experience to the practice. Thanks, Diana
Seraj: Dear Sir, I am an old person of 71 years suffering from CKD disease of phase 3 for 12 years; blood pressure, hypertension, diabetes for 25 years and gastritis for 45 years. I have also huge bloating, acidity, indigestion, candida, problems. I suspect I might have already developed leaky gut that spread fungus left side particularly left-back and left ear. I am terribly worried about kidney and gut and stomach issues. I would remain grateful if you kindly suggest to me any means if I could reverse these diseases. Thanks.
Thank you for tuning into today’s Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!