HouseCall: CBD Drug Testing, CBD & Skin Issues, Hair Loss, Detox & Breastfeeding, Destroy Herpes Virus
Thank you for joining us again on Part 2 of this weekend’s Cabral #HouseCall!
We’ve got more amazing questions from our community and I’m looking forward to answering those right now on today’s show:
Jim: I work in the nuclear power industry. I am subjected to random drug testing. Would CBD oil or any of your other supplements test positive? My livelihood has been very good to me and I would not want to lose my job over these supplements. I also have had great success with the ketogenic diet. I lost 60 pounds and have kept it off for about 1.5 years. I am vertically pain-free most of the time. When I work out or do physical work I recover very pain. I was on medication for a slow thyroid for 10 years and I was able to stop. I do not count non-starchy vegetables against my carb limit?. So I do eat 6-8 cups of salad/ cruciferous veggies almost daily. I going to try meatless Mondays. I stick with healthy fats. Avacado oils, Olive oils. Moderate protein. I look forward to listening to your show on my way to work each morning. I feel like you care about us even though we have never met. God bless you, Jim
Dave: CBD. I just ordered the trial size for my son who lives in CA. He suffers from anxiety. I live in Canada. I suffer from psoriatic arthritis which was triggered by colon cancer surgery in December 2015. Psoriasis is in my family. I have lost about 40% use of my legs. Getting out of a chair, climbing stairs, golfing, and snow skiing is difficult and sometimes impossible tasks. I am 68 years old. In your podcast, you mention that CBD helps with psoriasis and arthritis. Do you think it would provide help for me? I am going to a PSA Clinic this Friday at Toronto Western Hospital for a second opinion. My Rheumatologist since February 2016 has me on a combination of Methotrexate and Otezla which, is working, but after 14 months, I am no where near able to tee it up again. Thank you
Lindsey: Hi Stephen, I randomly get the odd dark hair growing out from all different areas but they are v noticeable on my pale skin and my other body hair is blonde. Why would this happen? Thank you for being my no 1 podcast!
Ciara: Hi Dr. Stephen, I have a question related to some hair loss that I’ve been experiencing for about 2.5 years now. I’m a 35 year old female and I noticed a few years ago that my hair was thinning around my hairline and it’s mainly occurring on the left side of my head. It’s not consistent, as I’ve noticed that it’s pretty stagnant right now. I thought that it may be related to stress, as there are no known instances of hair loss in my family; however, I have noticed that my mother’s hairline on all sides has dramatic thinning (she’s 59). She told me that it’s probably from years of pulling her hair back. My hair is otherwise healthy (no shedding, breakage, etc.). I’ve been to two Dermatologists and have visited with an Endocrinologist, in which I was instructed to have the following test done with results: Lab Results to Date: TSH = < 0.02 (low) (from 2016) Free T4 = 1.35 Free T3 = 189 (high) FE (Iron) = 163 Ferritin = 34 (low) Vitamin D = 20.4 TSH = 0.5 (from 2012) Initially, it was thought that I may have an issue with my thyroid and I have requested to have a full panel of thyroid labs performed with no luck (e.g. thyroid antibodies, etc.). The Dermatologist instructed me to up my intake of iron for 3 months (325 mg of Ferrous Sulfate), as my Ferritin levels were low. The Endocrinologist instructed me to up my vitamin D intake (I now take 5000 IU daily; my levels are typically low in winter) and continue to monitor my TSH levels, which have been consistently low (zero was the result from my last 3 panels of blood work as it relates to this case; past results have been optimal). The Endocrinologist has also stated that it’s not uncommon for TSH levels to below (I am not OK with this response) and since my Free T4 and Free T3 levels are optimal, with no known symptoms other than hair loss (low energy levels, weight gain/loss, etc.), I’ve been instructed to continue to evaluate my levels every 3-6 months. As there has been no resolve, my Dermatologist has suggested a scalp biopsy as a last result. I’m not going through this process, as I would like to look into this a bit deeper. Do you have any insight and/or suggestions as to what I should do going forward? Is there any specific lab work that I should have performed? I would love to come into your facility; however, I’m unable to afford any services, as your facility does not accept health insurance. Very much looking forward to hearing back from you. All the best, Ciara
Anna: Hello! Love your show. Can you use CBD oil if you are breastfeeding? The baby is 7 months old. Also is using an infrared sauna ok for a breastfeeding mother? Thanks 🙂 Anna
Aliana: I have recently been diagnosed with hsv1 and 2 and have been doing a lot of research on how to get rid of it. There are people out there that believe you can if you rid your body of excess heavy metals, have excellent nutrition, and using pure oregano oil. Have you had any experience with this and do you believe it could work?
I hope you enjoyed this weekend’s community Q & A’s and be sure to tune in for tomorrow’s Motivation & Mindset Monday!