HouseCall: Psoriasis Flare, Long Term Cannabis Use, Bloating & Abdomen Pain, Vegetable Starch Powder, Sleep & Detox, NAD & Fatty15
Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!
This is where we answer our community’s wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!
Check out today’s questions:
Daniel: Hi there Dr Cabral, first of all want to say I’ve followed you now for close to 5 years. The impact you’ve had on mine and my famly’s life is immeasurable. I am certain we will all lead a longer and healthier life due to you. Thank u. Ok so, I suffer from psoriasis and have now done the CBO protocol 4x’s.I have done it because every summer I tend to eat more cheat meals on vacation and drink more alcoholic beverages which gets me flared back up. After each protocol my results are amazing. This time, though I’d like to really stay committed and realign myself when I get off track. I take gluten dairy Support for cheat meals and 2 probiotics a day. What else would you suggest I do when I have a couple of really bad weeks and start to flare up? Citricidal drop/florafilm/intestinal cleanse? Ty
Anonymous: HI Dr Cabral, I’ve recently that long term cannabis use causes pre-mature aging of the brain. What can you advise someone do to best heal and recover from such long term use? Also, what are your thoughts on DMSO with regards to this particular modality? Ive heard of stroke patients recovering from using it, so curious what effects it may have. Thanks
Paul: Hi Dr. Cabral, I appreciate you and all that you share. I’ve had gut issues for some time and I’m starting the CBO protocol soon after trying so many things. One thing I can’t figure out is there seems to be a link between having tension in my lower left abdomen (near pelvic bone and feels like a muscle that I can massage) and experiencing gut issues like feeling bloated. I never feel this in my right abdomen. It doesn’t hurt but I can feel it (sometimes smooth and sometimes like bigger balls). What could this be? Thank you!
Jeff: I have purchased the CBO protocol and all the supplements just not sure about adding vegetable starch to my meals. do I want to get vegetable starch powder? Or just cut up the vegetables that provide starch? if you could please get back to me that would be greatly appreciated
Sandra: I’m on my second week of detox. I’m having a tough time trying to sleep at any suggestion. I’ve tried everything that I can think of. Appreciate your time and wonderfulness.
Lindsay: Hi Dr Cabral. I’m thinking of taking TruNiagen’s NAD. Is there anything bad about takin NAD? also what is your opinion of Fatty15. I currently take Omegas for my dry eye disease and was thinking about switching to Fatty 15.
Thank you for tuning into today’s Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!