HouseCall: Fasting & Chemo, Goat Whey Protein, Proper Ratio of Vitamin A to Vitamin D, Recommendations for Complicated Cases, Tinnitus & Detox
Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!
This is where we answer our community’s wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!
Check out today’s questions:
Brooke: I recently listened to your podcast on fasting & chemotherapy, I got diagnosed with breast cancer and started chemotherapy. Trying to implement fasting along with it, read some studies on the benefits of it reducing side effects. Could you explain more on how it helps and how I should go about fasting during treatment? Is there other ways I can support my body during treatment?
Luis: Hi Dr Cabral, what are your thoughts on Goat Whey Protein? I don’t do well with dairy or meat, so its difficult for me to maintain bulk when strength training. The brand Im looking at (Mt Capra) is quite pricey so would like to get your opinion on such products firstly. Thanks
Thomas: Thanks for all your work. It has been a valuable resource for me in my health journey. I’ve tested positive for candida and bacterial overgrowth and I’m doing the CBO protocol followed by the Mold Protocol to detox from mold exposure in a previous home. I’ve successfully alleviated all of the nutritional deficiencies I developed during years of dysbiosis. However, I’m unclear on one question and I haven’t been able to find a satisfactory answer. What is the proper ratio of vitamin A to vitamin D? I’m hoping to restore my digestive health to the point that I will be able to acquire most of my micronutrients from my diet but in the meantime I’m currently supplementing both A and D.
Morgan: I’m said to be an extremely complicated case. I’m 27 and have chronic EBV, lyme antibodies, fibromyalgia, SIBO, a persistent returning jaw cavitation despite having gotten successful surgery. I have issues with proper detoxing despite having done it for months. I have some high heavy metals, and am looking into parasites. Tested my apartment for mold and found it to be higher than the average, trying to get out within the next couple months but i do infrared sauna 4-7 times a well, support digestion with bitters, do cold therapy, have the best air purifer in my room, walk daily, drink green/veggie/fruit juices, etc. My kidneys are the weakest, and constipation despite magnesium intake. I clear out my nose with nasal spray, but I still struggle. What do you recommend?
Joesph: Hey doc big fan. One of my family members just finished cancer treatment (chemo) and has tinnitus in both ears. I was thinking he should do the heavy metal detox just wanted to know what you think thanks for all you do.
Thank you for tuning into today’s Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!