HouseCall: Coffee & Cortisol, Pregnancy Foods to Avoid, Alkaline Water, Blood Pressure During Pregnancy, Labyrinthitis
Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!
This is where we answer our community’s wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!
Check out today’s questions:
Kelsi: hi dr. cabral – you are the best there is and i appreciate you so much. quick question about cortisol / blood sugar and coffee. if consuming coffee after water in the morning on an empty stomach, would adding homemade nut milk prevent cortisol and blood sugar from rising VS. completely black? i know it’s ideal to drink coffee with food but just curious about this when traveling and waking early. thanks!
Joanna: Hi Dr Cabral Would love to hear your list on what foods to avoid during pregnancy? Thankyou
Missy: Thank you for sharing your knowledge with all of us, Dr. Cabral! What are your thoughts on drinking alkaline water? How much? Best times of day to drink or not drink alkaline water? We have a XXXXX system for our drinking water but sometimes wonder if it was a good investment or not. We live in the country so we naturally have well water. Would the well water be better or the alkaline water?
Stephanie: Hi Stephen, I had a relatively healthy pregnancy (my only pregnancy) in 2019. At week 36, my docs suspected I would have preeclampsia (as my blood pressure was rising and I had protein in my urine). They induced me but I wouldn’t dilate passed 7cm. Therefore, they performed a c-section and sent me home 2 days later. I was not feeling right at home, so I checked my blood pressure and it was 183/118. I was readmitted into the hospital for post-eclampsia. After going through this terrifying experience I am very hesitant to conceive again. Do you have any suggestions/recommendations how on best to avoid blood pressure issues during pregnancy?
Gabriel: Hi Dr. Cabral, Big fan of the show! Thank you for taking the time to answer my question below. For a few years, my dad has been living with a pretty severe case of labyrinthitis/vestibular nerve damage, to the point where if he turns his head in a sudden motion, the floor under him moves causing him to lose balance. Needless to say, this affects him in his every day life but also with things he likes to do, like playing tennis and golf. The doctors who have seen him have prescribed antibiotics in different dosages, but these don’t seem to help. He’s been told the nerve damage is simply too severe to remedy the situation. I refuse to believe there is no solution for this and would love to offer some treatment or solution. Any help or recommendations are greatly appreciated! Thank you Dr C!