HouseCall: Donating Blood, High Progesterone, Oral Health Issues, Low Alcohol Tolerance, Burping When Hungry, High Anxiety
Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!
This is where we answer our community’s wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!
Check out today’s questions:
Simon: Hello and thank you Dr Cabral. As someone who is ‘obsessed’ with optimizing my health and performance, I’ve always wondered how I should view donating blood and plasma. Putting aside the great benefit to others, could you explain what the immediate and medium-term impacts on the body of donating blood, in terms of overall health, mental and physical performance? Thanks!
Laura: What could be the reason of a 30 year old woman on phase 3 of adrenal dysfunction (adrenal fatigue) with normal levels of estrogen but high progesterone on a saliva test? Pg/E2 ratio, testosterone and DHEA all good. Never seen high progesterone before so not sure what we should be looking at here.
Hayley: Hi Dr. Cabral! I have been having issues on and off for a few months with my oral health. I have tiny bumps on the end of my tongue that makes it constantly feel raw. My saliva always feels thick and it seems like food gets stuck before it even starts to go down my throat. My throat feels sore most days, like there is a lump when I try and swallow. My gums occasionally bleed when I floss as well. This all started a few months ago with not much different to my routine and I’m not sure where all this is coming in from. I feel like it has really affected my ability to eat and am looking for an idea of what this could be caused by. Thanks!
Lisa: Hi Dr Cabral! I have a hard time with alcohol. With 1 glass of wine I feel quite buzzed and I’m curious as to why? Is it a histamine intolerance or am I missing and enzyme? Liver clogged? Can I test for this and is there anything I can do or take to handle alcohol a bit better? I simply would like to be able to enjoy 2 glasses when I eat out without feeling too tipsy. Appreciate all your knowledge you share on these wonderful podcasts!
Kelsey: I have a client that burps when she is hungry. She doesn’t burp after eating or have acid reflux. Would burping when hungry signal anything? Thanks!
Tiffany: I am 46 years old and my anxiety is getting worse and affecting my daily life. I feel weak all the time and get surges of adrenaline at strange times. I get anxiety really badly when driving. I need an appointment with a functional medicine practitioner. I live in FL but would be willing to do telemedicine. I don’t know who to reach out to, but I am starting to get desperate. How can I schedule an appointment? Thank you Tiffany