Rheumatoid Arthritis is Reversible
One of the main the reasons why people still suffer from Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is due to the fact that conventional medicine only sees one issue.
You come in with pain and inflamed joints and they what to relieve those symptoms. The problem is that the pain someone with rheumatoid feels is simply a symptom of a much deeper issue…
Now, I don’t disagree that the pain is debilitating and that no should have to suffer a lifetime of agony and deformed joints – However, putting a bandaid over outwards symptoms is not going to help the long-term struggle.
The good news is that you can get well and it doesn’t have to be a long drawn out journey…
But before we get to how to rebalance your body so that RA can’t manifest itself in your body, we have to understand how we get Rheumatoid Arthritis in the first place.
How You Got Rheumatoid Arthritis
The truth is that 90+% of all auto-immune conditions, especially RA, start with increased intestinal permeability.
The is just a fancy way of say that your gut wall is “leaky.” And this means that you are literally spilling proteins, bacteria, yeast, and other pathogens into your blood stream.
This leaky gut syndrome then causes an immune response to the food sensitivities, yeast, or bacteria now seeping into your blood stream. Your immune system is not malfunctioning – It’s cleaning up waste and proteins that should never have made their way into your bloodstream in the first place.
You see, your intestines are supposed to act as a tube that moves through your body that actually separates you from the inside contents. Not all of those contents are meant to be seen by your body. After all, must of that matter is waste that comes out when you have a bowel movement…
So, when your immune system marks these foreign invaders as the enemy it must work on eliminating them from your body before further damage occurs,
This Starts the Inflammation Cycle
Now that your body has marked these foreign proteins, yeast, and bacteria for removal, additional whiter blood cells rush in. This act alone causes an inflammatory response.
Please keep in mind that since the escaped pathogens are no longer restricted to the gut area, the white blood cell triggered inflammation could be felt anywhere…
That’s why the people I care for in my practice don’t just needlessly suffer from joint pain, they also feel:
- A lack of energy
- Brain fog
- Experience skin issues
- Poor digestive function
- Low mood
- Suffer from short term memory issues
- Muscle weakness
- Decreased libido
- Lack of drive/ambition
Inflammation really does wear down your body. The problem is that inflammation is not the root cause of your problem. Inflammation is always a symptom of a deeper underlying issue.
Why the Joints Break Down
The unique outcome about Rheumatoid Arthritis versus say Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is that the joints (often times starting with the fingers and thumbs) are affected, whereas in Hashimoto’s, the thyroid is “under attack.”
In RA, your immune system is literally destroying tissue in your joints by what’s called a CD-8 immune reaction. That means a specific type of immune cells cause what’s called apoptosis in cells. This means these CD-8 cells literally program certain tissues to “commit suicide.”
In conventional medicine it is/was believed that the immune system is dysfunctional and that’s why it’s killing your body’s own cells.
The problem is that this theory is coming under real scrutiny. As microscopes are becoming more powerful we’re finding ultra-microscopic nano-bacteria living in these cells that were programmed to die by our healthy army of white blood cells.
Could this mean that your immune system isn’t actually dysfunctional at all, but instead trying to save you and your body by breaking down these cells in order to remove the bacteria and detox if from your body?
Ayurvedic Medicine and various other forms of non-conventional medicine have thought so for thousands of years and seem to be being proven right…
The Underlying Root Cause (The Rain Barrel Effect)
Now that you know leaky gut is implicated in auto-immune disease and that the bacteria lodged in these joint tissues may be the very bacteria escaping from your gut, it’s important to explore how this happens.
There are actually dozens of reasons why your intestines may become more permeable. Some of those include:
- C-section birth
- Antibiotic use
- Alcohol intake
- Gluten or lectin reactivity
- Food sensitivities
- Improper food combining
- Use of Advil or other NSAIDs
- Gut dysbiosis (intestinal bacterial overgrowth)
- Yeast, fungus or Candida overgrowth
- Acid Reflux medications
- Stress
Anyone of those items above can cause a leaky gut in susceptible people. It’s also a lot more more common than you may imagine. It’s estimated that nearly XX% of the population has some level of increased intestinal permeability.
Now not everyone will get rheumatoid, some may get another auto-immune condition that they’re genetically susceptible to, and others may not have filled up their Rain Barrel yet.
Genetics Do Matter… To An Extent
It’s important to understand that genetics to play a role in who will get RA and who won’t…
The problem is that even if rheumatoid is “in your genes” it doesn’t mean you ever have to live with it.
Genetics simply means you have a part of your DNA that says if you become unbalanced because of lifestyle or environmental toxicities you may get a certain dis-ease.
Please do keep in mind that research has shown over and over that 90% of all disease is lifestyle and environment based.
We’re all genetically programmed to get some dis-ease, but we can all remain or get healthy as long as we maintain equilibrium within our body.
As an example, all 4 of my grandparents had rheumatoid arthritis. My parents also has RA as well.
And, I got all of the symptoms of rheumatoid as a teenager when my body began to shut down because of massive gut and immune system issues.
The good news is that neither of my parents no longer have RA and I’ve been symptom free ever since I discovered the true causes of rheumatoid in the first place…
I know first hand how painful and frustrating it is to live with a dis-ease that prevents you from doing a lot of what you love in life because you’re either in pain or have difficulty moving like you used too.
This is why I’d like to teach you how to get well again…
Why You Must Start Now
The other issue of why I want to help you to begin to heal today is because the longer you wait to get well the more a challenge it becomes.
The reason I say this is because as your joints break down they can create permanent disfiguration, which may not be reversible.
The pain can be removed, but the joints may not be able to “straighten out,” which is why I always urge people to act now.
Plus, I’ve seen the harm that biological drugs used to treat RA have on the body, Many people don’t know that some of these drugs are a form of chemotherapy and actually work to destroy your immune system – leaving you susceptible to other potentially more dangerous health threats.
By now I hope you also see that the joint pain and bodily inflammation isn’t the only issue going on with RA – It’s also the fact that you’re still most likely spilling proteins, yeast, and/or bacteria into your blood every time you eat.
This deep underlying root cause has to be corrected so that your rheumatoid issues can be corrected and that no other new health issues arise either.
How I Can Help
In my practice I see people every week from all walks of life with varying degrees of health issues. Many of them, just like you, are suffering from inflamed joints.
I let those people know I was once in their shoes and I understand where they’re coming from…
They don’t want to suffer any longer – nor should they.
It looks me too many years to get well due to the fact that conventional medicine only treats the symptoms and pays no attention to diet, lifestyle of the environment.
Personally, I don’t believe anyone should have to live in pain.
And, after interning and studying all over the world and seeing what actually works in Functional Medicine, Naturopathy, Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and many other forms of natural medicine I came up with a unique approach that is truly integrative.
I believe every form of medicine is helpful, but unfortunately in our ego-driven schooling systems we tend to put certain forms on a pedastill while knocking down the rest.
Since my loyalty only lies with the people (not drug companies or health insurance) I am free to share with you what truly works.
How to Heal Your Body
Although you and are may never meet in my private practice I want to share with you the exact same information I would if you were sitting across from me in my office or over a Skype consultation.
After asking for a full health intake and finding out you have inflamed joints, as well as other health issues, I would recommend a very specific lab called the Organic Acids Test.
It is by far my most important lab test for discovering if a client has gut issues.
it directly looks for yeast and bacterial overgrowth, as well as close to 100 other health markers such as:
- Mitochondrial energy function
- Neurotransmitter balance for mood support
- Liver detox capacity
- Ketone production
- Ammonia production
- Protein digestion
- Oxalates
- Stress load
- B-vitamin levels (especially Folate, B-12, and B-6)
- Vitamin C
- CoQ10
- Biotin
- Phosphorus to look at tissue/bone breakdown
It’s an amazing lab and one I used myself when I was on my road back to health many years ago.
The reason why it’s such an important lab is that it guides you as to what you need to fix inside your body. Keep in mind that these are hidden health factors holding you back from becoming well again.
I attribute my own recovery from healing my gut and detoxifying my body.
The other reason why I like this lab is because it uses a simple at home urine collection method. Literally, you receive this lab from your doctor or by mail, and you can take the test the next day. It even comes with a pre-paid FEDEX mailer to send it back to the lab in.
About 3-4 weeks later you’ll have your results and a 30-minute call with a certified health coach walking you through the process of how to heal. If you decide to run this lab through my concierge practice, I’ll even review your results and make personal recommendations for you that my Health Coach with take you through.
(Please Note: Due to the personalized programs we offer we limit our labs to the first 50 orders per month)
The Treatment Protocol
For those that do not want to run an Organic Acids Test with their Functional Medicine/Doctor of Naturopathy or through our practice they can move directly on to the treatment protocol.
Please keep in mind that before I share with you how I help people rebalance their body and remove the pain and suffering, I do want to note that I do not treat the disease.
Natural health doctors and practitioners do not treat the disease, which we consider to be an outward set of symptoms. Instead my job is to help you heal from the inside out. Once I help you rebalance your body’s homeostatic systems you become health again.
And remember, a healthy body cannot be sick.
The protocol I have been using now for over 5 years in my practice with exceptional results is this:
Candida & Bacterial Overgrowth Protocol