Complimentary Fitness Consultation ($90 value!)
I believe that in order for you to trust your fitness professional with designing a
unique program for you, you must believe they can provide you with a means of
achieving your individual goals. Together, we will sit down and map out exactly
where you are now and then design a plan of how we can get you to your goals the
fastest and safest way possible!
Your Free Consultation Includes:
• Exercise History
• Goal Setting – Short & Long Term
• Body Mass Index
• Waist to Hip Ratio
• Body Composition
• Lean Mass to Body Fat Calculations
• Hydration Levels
• Nutritional Values
• Flexibility Assessments
• Strength Assessment
• Functional Movement Screen
• Postural Alignment Analysis
• Overhead Squat Analysis
• & more!
Click below to fill out a 5-minute 50 Point Health Questionnaire and you will be on
your way to living the FitLife!
Committed to your Success,
Stephen Cabral
“Thank you for your patience and help. It has worked! I feel much better and have
lost 15lbs, so I am ready for next year. Happy New Year!”
Meredith A.