Thank you for listening to my interview with Jaime!
As an exciting way to launch the Cabral Concept podcast into the New Year and help you make 2016 your best year yet, I’ve created a fun contest where everybody wins something!
It cost nothing to enter and you have the chance to win some great wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging prizes that I use everyday in my own practice.
Enter for Free to Win Over $2,000 in Prize Give-Aways – it’s Easy!
All you have to do is:
1. Click link:
2. Click “View in iTunes” button
3. Click “Subscribe” button
4. Click “Ratings and Reviews” text
5. Click to rate and leave short review and you’re done!
And, don’t forget to subscribe here to be notified if you’ve wonand about the LIVE call*
It’s that simple and the more items you complete the more chances you have to be entered to win!
Just click the link(s) above and you’ll be done in less than 1-minute and will have the chance to win…
Win Over $2,000 in Prize Give-Aways!
1st Place Winner
- 60-Minute consultation with Dr. Cabral
- Functional Medicine lab test: Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis
- Withings Activity Tracker
- 1 Month supply of the Daily Detox Shakes
- The 7-Day Dr. Cabral Detox
- Live Cabral Community call with Dr. Cabral
2nd Place Winner
- Withings Activity Tracker (comes with clip & sleep monitor band)
- 1 Month supply of the Daily Detox Shakes
- The 7-Day Dr. Cabral Detox
- Live Cabral Community call with Dr. Cabral
3rd Place Winner
- The 7-Day Dr. Cabral Detox
- Live Cabral Community call with Dr. Cabral
* Everyone that enters automatically gets to participate and ask their questions on the Live Cabral Community call in January with Dr. Cabral!
Thank You for Your Support
Thank you in advance for helping to spread the Cabral Concept mission of helping people “Change their body, so that they can then go on to change their life!”
Health, self-confidence, happiness, and longevity are yours – allow me to show you the way.
Stephen Cabral
Board Certified Doctor of Naturopathy
Start here:
1. Rate/Review/Subscribe on iTunes
(Thank you!)