The Burn Stubborn Fat Video is here!
Welcome to Week #4 in my Create a Better Body Workout Series!
I’m about to demonstrate for you 3 fantastic advanced exercises that will be
sure to help you burn body fat and get you in shape fast!
And remember, all of the exercises I show you can always be done at home or
in the gym – usually with just a pair of dumbbells and your own body weight.
Now let’s move on to how you can progress your workout up from last
week’s moves…
Burn Stubborn Fat Workout Details:
… now here’s what you need to get started:
Week 3: (2-3 sets using a challenging weight)
Exercise #1: Dumbbell push presses x up to 15 repetitions
Exercise #2: Dumbbell split lunge on a stability ball x 15 repetitions each side
Exercise #3: Shin slap crunches x 12-20 repetitions
>>> Check out the video below to watch me personally coach Sarah on how to burn stubborn fat fast! Click the play button now:
Video: Burn Stubborn Fat
I hope you enjoyed the video!!! (Get 6 new videos per month + more below)
Committed to your Success,
Stephen Cabral, CSCS, CPT, NS
Author of Fatlossity – Lose5in7 Weight Loss System
Health Consultant for MTV, NutritionData,, Gather, EDGE
>>> How to Get 30 Days of FREE Personal Training
from me RISK-FREE!
Seriously, don’t pay a dime for 30 days to see if it works for you…
One of my clients called it the “try before you buy.”
The guaranteed results system that I’m talking about and that I open up to
100 new clients every month is called my T3, Trim, Tone & Tighten Online
Personal Training & Coaching Program – monthly “done-for-you” workouts,
videos, diet plans, sample meal plans, stretching, private success tips, and so
much more sent right to your email inbox!
It’s everything you could possibly need or want to get in amazing
shape using just the diet plan or both the short workouts and easy to
follow nutrition shortcuts.
… It’s the only award-winning personal training system of it’s kind!
(strictly limited to 1st 100 new clients per month)
Click here to take Stephen Cabral’s 30-Day Challenge RISK-FREE!
>>> Please feel free to forward this page to anyone it could help!
Trim, Tone & Tighten Online Personal Training Benefits:
• Lose belly fat your first week!
• Drop 5 pounds in less than 7 days!
• Tone your muscles!
• Complete fat loss diet plans!
• Over 1,000 sample meals!
• Fast foods to grab on the go!
• Burn off fat with short workouts!
• Fun, energizing exercises!
• Download videos to your iPod!
• Fill your body with energy & life!
• Discover the real secrets only
• my private clients know!
• Amazing member support
• Guaranteed satisfaction!
>>> Click here to take Stephen Cabral’s 30-Day Challenge RISK-FREE!
One of my new “Create a Better Body” exercise video progressions will be
displayed each week for an entire month, so stay tuned and keep checking
your newsletter email’s for the next video to be released!
Click below if you missed the 1st 3 videos in this series:
Week 1 Video: Create a Better Body
Week 2 Video: Maximize Fat Loss Fast
Week 3 Video: Lose Weight at Home