Consumers and shoppers are getting smarter and the spread of information on social media has a lot to do with that…
After my previous post on how toxic farm-raised fish is (especially salmon), many people wanted to know what was safe to eat?
So, today I wanted to share with you the mercury levels in fish.
Many people are turning to fish as a healthier alternative to factory meat, but you must be careful with what you’re choosing due to the pollution of our seas.
So, in order to make things easier I’m supplying you with a PNG graphic and list below showing you the low to moderate to high levels of mercury in fish.
Lowest Mercury Levels
(Daily intake acceptable)
- Arctic Cod
- Anchovies
- Butterfish
- Catfish
- Clam
- Crab
- Crawfish/Crayfish
- Flounder
- Haddock
- Hake
- Herring
- Mackerel
- Oyster
- Pollack
- Salmon
- Sardine
- Scallop
- Shrimp
- Sole
- Tilapia
- Trout (fresh water)
- Whitefish
Moderate Mercury Levels
(Once a week acceptable)
- Bass
- Carp
- Cod
- Croaker
- Halibut
- Lobster
- Mani Mahi
- Monkfish
- Perch
- Sablefish
- Skate
- Snapper
- Tuna (canned Skipjack)
- Trout (sea)
Highest Mercury Levels
(Once a month or never)
- Bluefish
- Grouper
- Mackerel (king, Spanish, Gulf)
- Marlin
- Seabass
- Shark
- Swordfish
- Tilefish
- Tune (Albacore, Ahi, Bigeye, Yellowfin)
Also, if you’d like to test your levels of inflammation to know how much Omega-3s to get from your diet or nutritional supplements click the link below:
These are also my preferred Functional Medicine brands for mercury-free, 3rd part tested Omega-3 supplementation:
> Omega-3 Capsules (mercury free)
> Omega-3 Liquid (mercury free)