Below you will find all the bonuses that were promised
plus an additional special surprise bonus just for taking
the time to visit.
Enjoy the bonuses and get right to work putting them to good use!
Committed to your Success,
Stephen Cabral, CSCS, CPT, NS
Author of Fatlossity, the Complete, In-Home, Step-by-Step Weight Loss System
National Health Consultant, MTV, NutritionData,, Gather, Edge
Bonus #1:
“4-Minute Miracle of Science”
World’s Best Weight Loss Interval Revealed:
Is there really one interval that trumps every other fat burning circuit out there?
I have seen all sorts of mathematical equations and research advising
exercisers to work intensely for a specified amount of time and then likewise for
the rest period in between sets. Some intervals prescribe longer working sets
to rest periods while others choose shorter time-based exercises with a longer
Believe or not, most of them actually work… just to varying degrees.
So getting back to the question of is one particular interval more effective than
all the rest – the answer is yes!
The Best of the Best
The most powerful interval you can do to burn body fat quickly is to complete
what’s called the “Tabata Intervals.” They were developed by Dr. Izumi Tabata
and his colleagues at the Department of Physiology and Biomechanics,
National Institute of Fitness and Sports, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan.
Tabata Intervals consist of 20 seconds of maximum intensity exercise followed
by 10 seconds of rest. This pattern is repeated 8 times for a total of 4-minutes.
Dr. Tabata used a special exercise bike, but you can choose any exercise or
sprinting technique that will rev your heart rate up quickly for 20 seconds
Unbelievably Effective
Dr. Tabata noted a 28% increase in anaerobic capacity coupled with a 14%
increase in V02Max in just 6 weeks! For more data on this study see:
The most shocking part of these results was that the intervals were done by
previously physically fit athletes. Ordinarily, you wouldn’t expect these types of
amazing results from people who are already near peak conditioning. (That’s
why most studies choose deconditioned people – you can pretty much do any
physical activity with someone who has never worked out before and you will
show favorable results for your data.)
Long Lasting Effects
Literally in just 4 minutes you will have spiked your metabolism and fat burning
enzymes to a level that will allow you to continue burning body fat for at least
12 hours and potentially up to 36 hours later.
You may not be thinking that this sounds too difficult to complete, but just ask
any of my clients whom I have ever challenged to complete this 4-minute
interval and they will tell you how grueling it is. The intervals work best when
you are firing at your maximum intensity and to do that your body can’t be cold
or stiff. So to get the most out of your workout you should be thoroughly
warmed up and stretched out.
Now I will outline a Tabata Interval you can complete after any one of your
Fatlossity Workouts:
Complete this special Tabata Ladder Interval as follows:
# 1. Mountain Climbers – 20 seconds (aim for 60 total reps!)
10 seconds rest
# 2. Squat Thrusts – 20 seconds (aim for 5 full reps!)
10 seconds rest
# 3. Jumping Jacks – 20 seconds (aim for 20 full reps!)
10 seconds rest
# 4. Squat Jumps – 20 seconds (aim for 10 full reps!)
10 seconds rest
# 5. Squat Jumps – 20 seconds (aim for 10 full reps!)
10 seconds rest
# 6. Jumping Jacks – 20 seconds (aim for 20 full reps!)
10 seconds rest
# 7. Squat Thrusts – 20 seconds (aim for 5 full reps!)
10 seconds rest
# 8. Mountain Climbers – 20 seconds (aim for 60 total reps!)
Rest – You’re Done!
This type of interval is referred to as a ladder because you work up to a
particular exercise or time and then work your way back down. It’s one of the
most powerful intervals you can complete in terms of burning calories and
revving up your metabolism.
* A Word of Caution: *
This interval is very intense and should be eased into. I would recommend that
if you are just beginning a fitness routine to try 10 second sprints with 20
second rest instead if the opposite 20 second sprints with 10 second rest.
Good luck and get moving!
Stephen Cabral is a national health correspondent with over 10 years of credentials. He
holds national and international certifications in strength & conditioning, personal training,
yoga and nutrition. For more information on his Free Trim, Tone & Tighten Newsletter seen
by over 100,000 readers each week go to
Bonus #2:
“5 Fat Loss Lies Uncovered!”
5 Fat Loss Lies Uncovered!
Read as Steve doesn’t pull any punches and reveals the lies, myths, and
otherwise fabricated truths that some media and fitness companies would love
you to believe. You may just change your mind about how you view your local
supplement store, gym, and even your doctor after your view this concise
unedited report.
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