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DR. CABRAL’S ONLINE COURSES – Health results accelerators™
After working with and overseeing 250,000+ private client appointments in 2 large scale Boston, MA practices, I am confident that my team and I are able to help you discover the underlying root cause imbalances holding you back from becoming well again.
My goal is to make sure you have all the knowledge you need to feel fully empowered as you take control of your health, which is why I am excited to offer a range of online courses that you can take at your convenience — all from the comfort of your home.
I’m calling these my Health Results Accelerators™ (HRAs) because there is simply nothing else like them in the world. They are not just another online course… These HRAs are the equivalent to spending 5+ hours in private consultations with me over video calls teaching you the ins and outs of why you got sick, gained the weight, or you feel like you’re aging faster than you want.
Below you will find my current available Health Results Accelerators™, and be sure to check back often as we continue to release more in depth HRAs on the topics most important to you. Simply click the wellness, weight loss, or anti-aging HRA topic below to learn more about transforming your body and life today!
Choose the Right Health Results Accelerator™ for You
Health Results Accelerators™ Are Now Approved for CEU Credits Through the HCA
All Health Results Accelerators are approved for 4.5 CEU Credits from the Health Coach Alliance
Documentation available upon request which you can then submit to HCA for your credits.