Stress + Sleep Test + 30-Minute Health Coaching Call


This is the same lab as the Adrenal Stress Hormone Panel, but the emphasis on recommendations will be around helping you improve your sleep. It’s been around for decades as the gold standard for testing usable hormone levels from a Functional Medicine perspective.

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It’s important to understand there is always a reason you’re not able to fall asleep or stay asleep. And, it’s typically related to your body’s ability (or inability) to regulate certain hormones.

These hormones and co-factors can include cortisol, melatonin, estrogen, progesterone, DHEA, and neurotransmitters like 5-HTP.

Do You Suffer From…

  • Trouble falling asleep
  • Unable to stay asleep during the night
  • Wake up multiple times during the night
  • Restless sleep
  • Unable to get into a deep restorative sleep
  • Tired in the morning
  • Brain fog

If you suffer from any of the issues above this lab may be a great place to start looking at why you are experiencing the state you are in right now.

Why Choose this Lab

We are not diagnosing disease from these labs, but rather looking for the underlying root causes of why you feel tired, worn out, run down, or lacking energy in general.

This particular lab allows you to look at your current 24-hour circadian rhythm and how you are producing cortisol (energy) throughout the day. Often times with people suffering from irregular sleep patterns their normal circadian rhythm has become disturbed. And as a result they are producing too much cortisol in the evening when their body should be winding down, instead of revving up.

This is a fantastic place to start when looking at how your hormones, nervous system, and stress are effecting your mind and body.

Simple At Home Test

All labs at were specifically chosen for ease of use. That means I can mail out these labs anywhere in the US and they can be completed by you the same week right at home.

And that translates to better compliancy, faster results, and happier healthier clients.

So, after you get your Hormone test kit, all you have to do is follow the simple instructions, and then collect 4 tubes of saliva right when you wake up, before lunch, mid-afternoon, and then before bed. After that, you just place it in the prepaid envelope and mail it to the lab.

All at-home lab tests take 3-4 weeks to get the results back after you’ve mailed them in. At that time you will receive a wellness plan which includes:

  • Customized Nutritional Supplement Plan
  • Dietary Guidance
  • Detoxification Methods
  • Lifestyle Changes
  • Sleeping Tips
  • Stress Reduction Techniques
  • Goal Setting Formula Sheet
  • Progress Report Tracking
  • Private FB Support Group Access



Plus, included in this package you’ll receive a coaching call with one of Dr. Cabral’s Certified Health Coaches to review your results and recommendations.

It’s Time to Take back control of your health & body!


  • We will mail you lab test kit out to you within 48 hours of your purchase (M-F).
  • Coaching calls are scheduled for approximately 3-4 weeks after you complete and mail in your lab kit.
  • Your personalized health recommendations do not include the cost of recommended food lists or products.
  • Health coaching calls are completed by Dr. Cabral’s personally certified Holistic Health Coaching Team.
  • During your health coaching call you will receive an explanation of your labs, as well as a specific plan for you.
  • After your consultation is over you will be sent a private link from your health coach for additional bonus reports
  • Any statements or claims about the possible health benefits conferred by any foods or supplements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.





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